So how old is that "Banana"


May be my imagination but the battery of my 2013 9amp battery may be showing signs of its age. last week the upper half seemed very warm, not hot, just very warm. I had never had this happen and it hasn't happened since. I called Easy Motion and was told some dealers can test the battery, on one of my rides this summer maybe I can have that done.
So here's the question. when and if I ever decide to purchases another battery, knowing the "Banana" shape batteries were used on the 2013 and 2014 models, will have been on the shelf 3 to 4 years already... even more if this battery of mine last another 2 more years. Should we be concerned of buying something for $500-680, that may be inferior?
I have some limited research work with Lithium Ion cells. I worked at a small R&D company with some of my university professors making different cathode laminates and then assembling them with lithium anodes to make the cells. We were trying to make Li ion batteries last longer like in hybrid cars.

From what I can recall the issue with Li battery life is due to the cycling process (charging and discharging). As the ions move back and forth between the cathode and anode they don't necessarily do it in an organized fashion and start concentrating in certain areas. This leads to formations of dendrites (think cave stalagmites and stalagtites) that the cell is trying to draw most of its power from or the dendrites form so "tall" that they puncture the internal membrane and you lose the cell.

The electrodes typically don't degrade over time (unless exposed to air -pure Li is super reactive with water) since they are solids so from a power potential perspective a battery that hasn't been cycled should still be good. There may be issues with the electrolyte (fluid medium which the ions travel through) degrading or drying out but I cannot speak to that.

I guess an "easy" check would be to open the battery and see if there are any dead cells.
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May be my imagination but the battery of my 2013 9amp battery may be showing signs of its age. last week the upper half seemed very warm, not hot, just very warm. I had never had this happen and it hasn't happened since. I called Easy Motion and was told some dealers can test the battery, on one of my rides this summer maybe I can have that done.
So here's the question. when and if I ever decide to purchases another battery, knowing the "Banana" shape batteries were used on the 2013 and 2014 models, will have been on the shelf 3 to 4 years already... even more if this battery of mine last another 2 more years. Should we be concerned of buying something for $500-680, that may be inferior?
I'm curious to know if they are still building the banana batteries. Or if they're just using old stock. Anyone know?