Smart Control, Mission Control, No Control.....


Well-Known Member
OK, before I get hung out to beat, I know I've traveled this road before.
1st, let me say I love my Vado 5.
I LOVE Smart Control. does not wish to play nice.
I know I can use various ways to control my bike, but I prefer Smart.
As previously stated, If I wish to ride 15, 30, 40, or 50 miles, I put in the parameter and forget about almost everything else, and I enjoy the ride.
HOWEVER......Smart control hangs on me, I still get the spinning circle of death when attempting to upload the stats at the end of the ride, and occasionally I'll ket kicked out of Smart Control while riding, to ECO, and sometimes zero assit.
TODAY, I THINK it may have had something to do with the new "app" I got on the iPhone called 'CycleMeter'. (I'm trying it out).
POSSIBLY, that app using Bluetooth, Mission Control, using Bluetooth, my watch using Bluetooth, my AirZound headset, using Bluetooth, interferes??
I don't know, I stopped, turned off the CycleMeter app, and regained control.
However, at the end of the ride, I had no success cataloging the ride as I have had in the past. Spinning circle.

So with that said, I'm following Stefan's recommendation of getting a Wahoo Bolt ver 2, it gets delivered on Monday.
However, I need to know, how will I manage Mission Control to give me the Smart Control, and still keep the communications working with the Wahoo...? Or am I in for more drama?
So with that said, I'm following Stefan's recommendation of getting a Wahoo Bolt ver 2, it gets delivered on Monday.
However, I need to know, how will I manage Mission Control to give me the Smart Control, and still keep the communications working with the Wahoo...? Or am I in for more drama?

the bolt will read the ANT+ sensor broadcast from the bike. completely independent of the bluetooth connection between the bike and mission control. they won’t interfere with each other.
So with that said, I'm following Stefan's recommendation of getting a Wahoo Bolt ver 2, it gets delivered on Monday.
However, I need to know, how will I manage Mission Control to give me the Smart Control, and still keep the communications working with the Wahoo...? Or am I in for more drama?
What Mark said above is correct!

Guru (could I use your first name as it is more humane?): The box will just read "Wahoo ELEMNT Bolt", that is, without "v2". Don't worry, you will certainly receive the v2!

Regarding the Smart Control: I use it only in emergency situations, like, my batteries are partly discharged but I have got a message I should go on a pretty long ride right now and want to complete it still with some assistance. As you know, SC is conservative at the ride start and optimistic at the ride end :) The only other situation is renting a Specialized e-bike for a demo ride; I know my demo ride route (so I know the distance and elevation gain), and want to complete the ride without range anxiety.

Generally, the more you ride the more experienced you are. You also have the Mastermind display that shows Range and Range Trend as well as Microtune. Do you need to ride with the SC?
But, if you ever used Smart Control, and plugged in the parameter at the start (i.e., expected mileage), your ride is provided in a completely different way. It's not like ECO, SPORT, or TURBO, it's an entirely different way of providing the power to the pedals, which I've become extremely fond of. Experiment, test it, and you'll see what I mean. :)