Severe Invasion of Privacy


Deleted member 803

So, due to my FUOFM ebike riding and my heightened conversation with my son, he (my son) has decided to get into cycling as a means of keeping fit and going for rides with his son.

After much soul searching, multiple visits to his therapist, and lots of bike testing he decided to purchase a non-ebike from a company call Bowel Movement Coming (BMC). Something called an AlpenChallenge X1. He purchased the bike from an authorized BMC dealer who is primarily a custom bike builder, the kind where you start with a frame and proceed from there.

The point of this email is that the sales rep, prior to recommending or ordering a bike for him, had him come in for an extensive set of measurements that included hand size, reach, foot size, torso angle, yada yada yada. Basically he did a professional fit on a fitting machine so he understood thoroughly the body mechanics of my son. He then used all the data to sift through bike brands, styles, and sizes to ensure that he ordered a bike that most closely resembles my son's riding intent and position for optimum comfort, and efficiency.

It was about a 2 hour session. Never saw this level of detail before and was pretty impressed that all of this took place prior to ordering the bike. The rep said that after the bike comes in, my son will go through another extensive fitting and that it is pretty common for multiple components to be swapped out to achieve the right fit.

The sales rep said that while this is standard at his shop, the majority of people own a bicycle that is either not right for them or very poorly adjusted/ modified.

The education continues....................
Wow. Where is this LBS? Sounds like they deserve a plug by name. If I got treated like that instead of just hard sold on inventory or credit checked to do a test ride I would definitely have gone with an LBS purchase instead of CF.
Wow. Where is this LBS? Sounds like they deserve a plug by name. If I got treated like that instead of just hard sold on inventory or credit checked to do a test ride I would definitely have gone with an LBS purchase instead of CF.
Wrench Science in Berkeley CA