Nobody ever talked about a compatibility issue, it is a warranty issue. If, and you should put a huge question Mark behind that if, you could purchase a new drive unit. It would be completely worthless to you or your dealer, as drive units need a programming towards the bike and it’s derailleur. This is something only the manufacturer can do.
Bosch refuses the repair drive units in a geographical region they do not belong to.
the battery is actually minor different, as the US version has a UL certification, the EU version doesn’t. The EU version has a different charging protocol compared to the US version.
The US spec HS drive unit has no type approval for the EU market and slightly longer support before it reduces the power going towards 28mp/h.
Neither the US nor the EU Smartphone Hub have a Horn assist. What you may be meaning is COBI which is not available in the US and has a built in Horn.
The US HS versions can be overridden from 75Nm to 85Nm the European drive units cannot.
Btw what your smartphone hub shows you as Information is only a tip of the iceberg of information a dealer or a manufacturer and Bosch can see.
To come back to the opener of this thread and a suggested price. Take off about 30-40% from the new price, that’s kind of a region a used bike without warranty is at.
Many of your points are either wrong or outdated.
Bosch offers retrofit kits for the Nyon,kiox,smartphone hub,purion and intuvia for existing ebikes now which renders your point moot. BTW, I wasn't aware that my 100% mechanical derailleur (perhaps you meant hub) and my "bike" was able to communicate with the internet, lol.
You have no source or refuse to give an example where Bosch would refuse a repair of a drive unit located in a different geographical region.
Again no source that the HS US speed unit gives longer support before it reduces power going to 28mph.
US and EU batteries have different charging protocols... yea no kidding lol; I guess it's a fancy way of saying the US uses 110v and the EU uses 230v charging outputs.
Simple semantics about the E-horn, you know what I meant and Cobi is owned by Bosch and COBI is most definitely available in the US since I have COBI and purchased my ebike in the USA. You contradicted yourself.
All bosch e-bike motors for model year 2021 are 85nm in Europe as well where applicable. Again your point is out
dated/obsolete and no longer correct.
Btw, all that extra info on my smartphone hub I have access to and see during my tours and I enjoy them very much thank you.
I think you took a lot of things too literally during your time working for Bosch. May I ask why you don't work there anymore?
There's a Bosch manufacturer section which is often visited by current Bosch employees,why don't you ask there and prove yourself correct and prove me wrong?
Oh and as Americans correctly point out from time to time is if it's online it can be hacked.