Seattle & surrounds, e-bikable city


Well-Known Member
New article from the Seattle Times today on bike-friendly cities:

It's interesting because the liquid sunshine very amenable to cycling (well, maybe it is compared to sleet!). It seems they focus on infrastructure improvements. There have been a lot of these in the area, not just in Seattle but in the neighboring city Bellevue, which is the 2nd largest city in the state.

New bike lanes working to create connections across town, new mixed-use paths, re-configuring street striping to create a safer environment ... these are things that have been happening. Meanwhile, there are still way too many streets that are, in my view, unsafe because they mix bikes and cars with auto speed limits that are too high, and bike lanes that are too narrow. Just drawing a line that gives bikes a couple of feet doesn't make for a safe environment for cyclists.

Here's the article with their rankings--find your city there! :)

I would encourage all of us who care about ebiking and making a better environment to get involved in our local city organizations that work to push cities to do better planning for cycling. It will benefit all of us!
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Interesting articles, thanks for posting!

I often carpool into the city with my anti bike neighbor. His major complaint is that bicyclists pay nothing toward bicycle friendly infrastructure, it's the motorists who foot the bill through highway taxes. While his point is partially valid, I try to point out that funding for these projects comes in part from private organizations like the Rails to Trails Conservancy. Matching Federal grants are also available for cities looking to become bike friendly. Yes, these are tax dollars but bicyclists contribute an equal share. These grants will be given out anyway so why not here to benefit us locally?

I'm trying "convert" him by getting him on one of my ebikes. Once I do, I think he'll be hooked!