Some of my old hex bits damaged a couple screw heads. I want to replace the screws before they get stripped even with a new bit at this point.
Does metal type matter? I don't want to get something that's too hard and end up stripping threads on the frame, but I'd like to get something harder to avoid stripping if it wouldn't cause issues. I'm fine with getting extras and replacing them periodically if the screw metal needs to be softer.
Sutemribor M3 M4 M5 Stainless Steel Button Head Hex Socket Head Cap Bolts Screws Nuts Assortment Kit, 540PCS: Amazon.com: Industrial & Scientific
Some of my old hex bits damaged a couple screw heads. I want to replace the screws before they get stripped even with a new bit at this point.
Does metal type matter? I don't want to get something that's too hard and end up stripping threads on the frame, but I'd like to get something harder to avoid stripping if it wouldn't cause issues. I'm fine with getting extras and replacing them periodically if the screw metal needs to be softer.
Sutemribor M3 M4 M5 Stainless Steel Button Head Hex Socket Head Cap Bolts Screws Nuts Assortment Kit, 540PCS: Amazon.com: Industrial & Scientific