Say Hello To Storm

It's funny when a guy comes along to save the world (eBike world) and he has to drag everyone kicking and screaming along with him, because they don't believe he can do what he's doing. Probably explains why no one has ever done it before.

One line of questioning:

Ask if they will simply be buying bikes for people from a factory in China? Will the bikes just be assembled to the StormCo spec, to ship directly to the customers? If so, do they think they can get the bikes into the US with no warranty or other requirements accruing to StormCo?

Thanks. Really appreciate all the effort, even money, you have put out to bring this phenomenon into focus. You have to think this will change something.


PS -- No problem on the ads. Most sites are now outrageous in how they do the promotions.
@Court, its going to be one heck of a party there, for sure! Specs are important, so too what Storm's plans are long term for the bike line. Does he plan to have dealers or just sell from a website direct from him? How will he handle warranty issues and customer service on this first group of bikes? Thanks for all of your effort, Court!
Questions (some of them may need to be sugar coated):
  • Why are the orange rims not offered?
  • Does he have a business plan or he is making it up as he goes along?
  • Is this a 100% China made bike or did be have anything to do with the design or component selection?
  • Why does it look exactly like these, is there any connection?
  • Warranty and support?
  • What is his targetted user for this thing?
  • Any techincal questions that confirms or denies he knows anything about eBikes.
  • How did he hook up with Agency 2.0?
  • Does he feel the negative comments surrounding his campaign are warrented?
  • Are they going to drop ship from China? If not, why cant customers pick up their bikes?
  • Who is Ryan Mercer?
  • Where do babies come from?
  • Is his real name 'Ivars Sondors?'
  • Does he have any objective data to support his mileage claims?
  • Objective data to support 90 minute charge time?
  • Are the issues with Prodeco settled?
  • What was their reasoning to make it a single speed?
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I think just the fact that the man is willing to talk to Court is very reassuring. He doesn't have to, he already has over 3 million dollars. Is this the action of a crook planning to skip, or someone trying his best to be honest, and promote his product?
I may get some one on one time with Storm Sonders tomorrow guys, are there any questions you'd like me to ask (politely) or any special tests with the bike? My time will be limited so range test is probably out this time but weight and a closer look at all components seems reasonable. Thanks in advance...

ps. I hope the new ad banners here don't bother you too much and I'm open to feedback as always. I've done my best to keep them muted and out of the way while acknowledging the support that keeps EBR and these forums online from brands I've vetted :)

IF I were you i'd cover the concerns you had in your video assessment of the Storm. Wonder if Sondors watched it?

Oh and good job Court nabbing an interview!

If I were me, i'd be a lot more interested in the marketing aspects of this brilliant crowdfunding campaign.. I already know the bike would disappoint me and wouldnt be worth upgrading.
I only saw the last 15 minutes but it appears that its going well. Most riders have the "eBike grin" after completing their ride.

Yikes! Some people should not ride bikes. Like ANY bike. There were several riders that looked like they should have used training wheels.
The (archived) live feed is pretty dull. People being told how the throttle works and then whizzing off into very heavy foot traffic at speeds up to 5 mph. I figured they would set up a course. Or let people ride on the sand. Before Storm showed up there were some guys who might have been A2.0 folks.

Ann M said

Curious, Biktrix is essentially a kit on a fat tire bike and like the Storm/Sonders program nothing about support. Roshan may be misunderstanding what happens at the Asian plants. You buy FOB; freight on board; that means once its in a container, on a ship its the buyer's responsibility to deal with not the manufacturer's. At Interbike I've trolled the various Asian manufacturers showing product and looking for distributors since they cannot sell in bulk without some US distributor to manage the product, parts, warranty,etc. Storm has his name on the bike then it is his business entities that will be responsible for it, not a Chinese manufacturing plant.

Roshan said:

You've hit the nail on the head. I am 99% sure that Storm/Sondo will just take the money to his Chinese manufacturers and let them handle everything else. Yes, NO warranty of course.

As I read it, they are cutting all that out of what you might call the selling process. I asked Roshan if they would ever take title to the bikes. He indicated this would be a direct transfer from a Chinese factory to the owners. Now, legally, can Sondors do this? My guess is the manufacturers of higher priced ebikes and dealers will force the issue, go to court and claim Sondors is 'constructively' the importer or manufacturer, and demand Sondors do the normal management things.

If you play out the scenarios, it could be a real mess. Batteries that catch fire? Frames that break? On the other hand, if the rather upscale bike dealers and manufacturers are seen to 'crush' Storm and his basic bike for the people, that' a public relations disaster.

I'll say it again: You guys in the industry could have tried harder to accommodate the low end of the market. If you can pool money, buy bikes in China, and get a 'kit' bike at a wholesale price, and assembled, it sounds pretty good. I just don't know how the legal stuff will play out. The 6,000 bikes is a problem. We're big on product liability in this country. Storm (the man) wants to cut this out of the picture, get around it.
Sorry, think there is still a big disconnect on the legal structure of buying/importing items to the US. If Storm Sonders or the Juggernauts owner's are on the docs for product coming from China into a US port, then they are the owners and responsible parties. Any other structure would have to be declared, so again i iterate that the importer is going to assume responsibility for the warranty offered by the manufacturer. That is why they're supposed to have insurance.
Went on a 25 mile ride with this woman who hadn't ridden in a while.. We cruised at 12 mph and her little specialized had some serious shifting problems.. Dealt with it, had a lot of nice stops... At the end of the day she was tired but had a good time.. Not sure what an Ebike would have brought to the trip, except maybe gotten us through it faster.. so what?

For what this Sonders bike is, a beach cruiser, I'm sure it will work.. question is, why do you need an electic beach cruiser with a tiny range?
Went on a 25 mile ride with this woman who hadn't ridden in a while.. We cruised at 12 mph and her little specialized had some serious shifting problems.. Dealt with it, had a lot of nice stops... At the end of the day she was tired but had a good time.. Not sure what an Ebike would have brought to the trip, except maybe gotten us through it faster.. so what?

For what this Sonders bike is, a beach cruiser, I'm sure it will work.. question is, why do you need an electic beach cruiser with a tiny range?
@JoePah did you watch Court's review with the fat tire bike from a couple of days ago? The real test range with Court riding was less than half what Storm advertised. Packed sand will provide a lot more resistance to tires than pedaling on a nice solid paved surface. Maybe your friend didn't tell you that it was a rough ride for her...with ebike power maybe it could've been a longer or less stressful ride.
Sorry, think there is still a big disconnect on the legal structure of buying/importing items to the US. If Storm Sonders or the Juggernauts owner's are on the docs for product coming from China into a US port, then they are the owners and responsible parties. Any other structure would have to be declared, so again i iterate that the importer is going to assume responsibility for the warranty offered by the manufacturer. That is why they're supposed to have insurance.

I think the deal was they give the money to the Chinese and the Chinese ship to the contributors directly. The only names on the documents will be the 7,000 owners. If I buy a bike off Alibaba, that's what happens. That's what Roshan seemed to say. There will be 7,000 exports to 7,000 importers in the US. No exports to Storm or Biktrix. It will be like 7,000 people bought their bikes and get sent bikes. Why can't they set it up this way? I don't know. I'm going on what has been said.

At the Demo Storm was asked about owners picking them up in LA, and he said something about making a container available somewhere. Very vague.
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At the Demo Storm was asked about owners picking them up in LA, and he said something about making a container available somewhere. Very vague.

I can understand his hesitance. He said there were about 350 bikes coming to the area. If you ship all of them they just end up where they're going and that's that.

If you instead bring a container to L.A. for local pick up, where are you going to park the container? Who is going to watch the bikes till 350 people arrive to pick them up? How long will that take? How much will that cost?
The Chinese are experts at playing fast with the rules.

I found out that the frame is steel, and the total weight ready to ride is 58 1/2 lbs.
I just received the 1st prototype of "The Gus" from China. She's a beaut clark!

Yes, to those with a keen eye, that is a He-Man Masters of the Universe lunch box mounted to the frame. It not only stores the battery but also your snacks!
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)

I also took it out and shot a promo video, so everyone knows what to expect. I think you'll find, its the Lamborghini of Bicycles. Indiegogo campaign coming soon! Demo rides coming soon! Lawsuit from Breaking Bad pending!
Can I just pick it up in China?
