My wife is looking for an e-bike that she can use while we are camping in our motor home. She is in relatively good shape about 5'7" 135 lbs. She wants a step thru or frame that she can mount easily. We've been using our manual bikes on pavement and trails that can be biked.
We plan on using a bike rack mounted on the car we tow behind our motor home, it's how we mount our manual bikes. On average she will use the bike 2-4 times a week when we travel in the motor home over the summer months. When traveling, the bikes will be out in the weather on the bike rack behind our tow car, so any bike we get will have to be able to withstand that. I can get a bike cover but rain will probably still be able to reach from beneath the cover and get the bike and electrical components wet.
We had a 2 ProdecoTech e-bikes that came with our motor home but one did not work due to rain on the motor. I had it repaired and the tech at ProdecoTech said not to keep them on the bike rack when it rains. With the way we travel that would be impossible, so a bike that can be on a rack during a rain storm is important.
Our budget is about $2,500. Thanks for any suggestions.
We plan on using a bike rack mounted on the car we tow behind our motor home, it's how we mount our manual bikes. On average she will use the bike 2-4 times a week when we travel in the motor home over the summer months. When traveling, the bikes will be out in the weather on the bike rack behind our tow car, so any bike we get will have to be able to withstand that. I can get a bike cover but rain will probably still be able to reach from beneath the cover and get the bike and electrical components wet.
We had a 2 ProdecoTech e-bikes that came with our motor home but one did not work due to rain on the motor. I had it repaired and the tech at ProdecoTech said not to keep them on the bike rack when it rains. With the way we travel that would be impossible, so a bike that can be on a rack during a rain storm is important.
Our budget is about $2,500. Thanks for any suggestions.