Rize RX, battery charging


I have searched the Forum but don't see this issue addressed, which means its probably a non-issue.
The Manual states "Remove the charger from the battery within one hour after it has been completely charged. The charger will automatically stop
charging when the battery is full, however, unnecessary damage to the charging components could occur if the charger is left
attached to the battery and power source."

But I can imagine the normal mode of operation is riding during the day and sticking the battery on the charger overnight. It takes up to 5 hrs to fully charge so I could well be into a nights sleep by the time it finishes charging.
So the only way I can see to handle this is stick the charger on a timer so it turns off after a certain time depending on the state of depletion when its plugged in.
Anyone come up with any ideas on this please.
Hi. Lots of people charge their gadgets overnight so that it is 100% in the morning, and with most reputable products the item won't blow up or anything, but it will drastically reduce the lifespan of the battery. Some products have better bms that will mitigate this by reducing charging speed when the item gets to a certain charge level such as newer iPhones or any electric car but I'm not aware of any ebike that does this, although some aftermarket chargers can do this. If you want to maximize battery life charge it right before you ride, don't charge above 80% except once in a while to balance the cells, and don't discharge much under 30 percent. That's just the nature of the beast with lithium batteries. Or you can decide that's too much of a hassle which is ok too, but it will decrease your battery lifespan substantially. Its up to you.
OK thanks Solom01, I'll make an effort to un-plug when the battery charged. They're not cheap, well worth preserving.