Rize bike's Speedo Sensor


New Member
Good Day!

I got t-boned a few weeks back and thought my bike was ok after replacing the crank/pedals but I had an error 30 later on, so eventually replaced the Hall Sensors and then I noticed my speedo sensor was semi-broken, so took it off and tried to figure out the part number but it rubbed off.

Does anyone know what part this is? Can I use a 41F hall sensor as on the top of the gear assembly there are circular magnets so I assume a hall sensor can be used with some epoxy to hold it in place?

Or should I run some wire and use a spoke sensor?

Thank you for your help and if anyone has any Rize Bike issues, I've dissaembled/repaired almost everything on my bolt X and logged 60,000km, so glad to help.