RideControl One issue

Paul Conkie

New Member
Anyone got or any experience of this problem or can offer a solution?

I have a relatively new fast road E+2 pro. It has full charge but won’t turn on. The RideControl one lights up all led’s when the power button is pressed but they almost immediately all turn off again.

Almost like it can’t start up correctly. If it was a computer I would reboot it but I can‘t find a reset button.

Any help gratefully received.
Hello Paul, how was the ridecontrol problem resolved? I have the same issue.
Hi Brian

Actually I did not need to replace any parts. I took the battery out in the hope that this would reset something internally. I put the battery back in, turned the bike on and the LEDs remained on. I used the app to upgrade to the latest firmware and haven't had a problem since. I've done 100 miles per week on the bike since August without any issues. Hope this helps!
Hi Paul

Really appreciate the good update. I'm having similar experience, now it works but don't understand why.
Today, hopefully will be my first ride. I'm going to ride uphill as long as I can just incase. The local Bike shop were no help but at least they have been in contact with Giant.