Ride Control has been Updated to App version : v1.2.1

It’s been 1.2.1 for a while now. Latest software for the MY20 is.


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Sorry for my confusion .
App version is the same , it's the eBikes software version that updated .
My bikes software updated last night, now the inbuilt lights come on automatically, never noticed them do that before.

Gotta remember to turn them off now.

Bike SW 20201203000
App 1.2.2
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So, the one thing I really miss on the new app vs the old is the ability to rename the bikes - I have three Giant/Liv eBikes and now I ahve to try to remember their associated numbers.
Yay! See folks, give them time and they'll get there. Little by little.

- Add languages: French, Spanish, Italian.
- Show navigation message on your E-bike.
- Set the default light on for your E-bike.
- Keep your phone screen on during ride recording.
- Bug fixes and improvements.

Nav works fine. I can't remember if it did earlier with the v2 app (I use it once in a blue moon).


The lights, as others have noted, now come on with the bike. Which I like for daytime visibility.
@pmcdonald: It's Summer where you live. Go on a ride with the app on. Stop. Switch the motor on. Re-start riding. Does RC app continue giving you your ride parameters?

Because I even don't want to ride out with my Trance E+ now. And I don't believe Giant has fixed the major app bugs.
@pmcdonald: It's Summer where you live. Go on a ride with the app on. Stop. Switch the motor on. Re-start riding. Does RC app continue giving you your ride parameters?

Because I even don't want to ride out with my Trance E+ now. And I don't believe Giant has fixed the major app bugs.
Sorry, do you mean connect, switch the bike off, then see if the app reconnects when I turn the bike back on?
Whatever, P. Mine seemingly reconnects but the ride recording is frozen. Neither the distance nor other ride parameters including the battery level are being updated in the dashboard. Since even a five-minute stop makes the motor turn off, RC app is useless for me still.
Do you know if the default lights on can be reverted to default lights off? It is very annoying!

I used to switch them on 1/100 of rides at night... now I have to switch them off 99/100 of rides at sun!
Will try update either later today, or for sure, tomorrow.
Not going to hold my breath...but at least we're seeing some activity at their end.
Tried it yesterday, with mixed results. Can't upload when finished, and auto- resuming a ride after an extended stop worked fine (i think), once, but not a second time. However when it didn't resume, i quit the app and restrted, and it prompted me that I had a ride in progress, and would I like to resume? I did, and IT did too.

Still won't connect to Strava, which to be fair, has been inconsistent lately as well. When I think it should auto pause it doesn't and when I think it should, it doesn't either.

First world problems...
Do you know if the default lights on can be reverted to default lights off? It is very annoying!

I used to switch them on 1/100 of rides at night... now I have to switch them off 99/100 of rides at sun!
Just checked and there is no way of changing the light ON. But this is how I like it as this is how the bike lights were originally in 2019, and as I ride on the roads this is my preference from a safety POV.