Review: New LMT'D - new owner's perspective

Great. I got that information direct from a Kevin Dugger's post on the Ride1up owner's facebook page last week. Glad they gave you the discount. He was responding to a buyer who bought two bikes without knowing about the $100 discount coupon. They would not give him the discount once he put his order in. In further response Dugger said we have gotten rid of that discount. Not critising Dugger, but I think the discount for 2 bikes bought in the same transaction should be automatically applied.
Yep, I'm a member of that group also and saw his comment a few days back.

I didn't actually buy anything, I just added a couple bikes to the cart and applied the coupon, then I bailed out. It was just a test to make sure the coupon was still working.
Hopefully, it won't go up another 25%.
I also read that Rad says their prices will not go up and that some other bike companies have moved some of their operations to Taiwan, Vietnam and other countries.
I had a bike mechanic come to the house to assemble my bike. He works at a LBS and assembles a lot of bikes when they get them in. He did like the quality of the bikes from Taiwan
@GenXriderMaybe I should get the Core-5 first... and then get the LMT'd later because invariably someone in my household will want one once I get one. :)

Ha! This is kinda what I did/am doing. My Core5 is supposed to arrive in a few weeks and I suspect my wife will commandeer it over time...leaving me no choice but to upgrade to the LMT’d. 😉
Well I am still waiting for my LMTD to ship. (Dates provided in my update email were Sept 3-10). Interesting that if you order today, says ship date is Sept 10. I guess R1U is starting to carry some on hand inventory. Anyone other than Lumpy get their new LMDT yet , or replacement controller? This thread went way off topic.. time to bring it back to LMTD owner impressions.
Lumpy, I'm trying to decide between the Lmt"d standard and the step through. I'm older than you , 67, and I haven't been on a bike in a long time. Your bike has a straighter handlebar than will come on the step through and I'm wondering how that affects your riding position. Are you sitting more upright or are you leaning forward more? Is that comfortable on a long ride? Any info you can give me would be a big help. Thanks.
I find that, with the “riser” style handle bars on my bike, I do lean forward. I wouldn’t call it uncomfortable, but I do find over time I shift my weight around a bit to give my arms and back a break.

The step through with risers will likely be a much more comfortable bike...
The step through with risers will likely be a much more comfortable bike...
I thought the step-through was only going to be available with the cafe style handlebars, not risers. But the cafe handlebars seems like they would be more comfortable as far as upright riding, although I personally would prefer risers. Then again, I'm not planning to get a step-through.
Well, I broke down and ordered my Lmt'd last night. Really wanted the cafe handlebars but decided I could live with risers. I went to see if they had released the step through this morning only to find that they are now offering cafe handlebars again. Just my luck.
Well, I broke down and ordered my Lmt'd last night. Really wanted the cafe handlebars but decided I could live with risers. I went to see if they had released the step through this morning only to find that they are now offering cafe handlebars again. Just my luck.

Email them and change it - they are good about this stuff and will do it
Well, I think I screwed myself. Kevin responded within thirty minutes to my email (can't beat that for great customer service) asking about switching to a Lmt'd with cafe handlebars and said "he had one left with those bars" and he would switch my order to that bike. Later I got to thinking did that mean a first generation bike with the associated torque sensor problems and the older style display. Will this be the bike that Wings02 returned? So now I guess I'll send another email asking to switch me back. I hate to be a pain but I also don't want to wind up with an "older" bike.
Well, I think I screwed myself. Kevin responded within thirty minutes to my email (can't beat that for great customer service) asking about switching to a Lmt'd with cafe handlebars and said "he had one left with those bars" and he would switch my order to that bike. Later I got to thinking did that mean a first generation bike with the associated torque sensor problems and the older style display. Will this be the bike that Wings02 returned? So now I guess I'll send another email asking to switch me back. I hate to be a pain but I also don't want to wind up with an "older" bike.

Nah - there are no first gen bikes left... Just the last of the second gen with the Cafe bars - probably an order that someone else canceled - but is unshipped. Kevin can confirm this if you ask him: "Is it new, second gen, non-returned, in original packaging?" Don't overthink it - but obviously make sure you get what you want. These are really good bikes - after waiting so long, I get the second guessing. Sometimes you get a shot at what you originally wanted and there is no hidden reason - just... things aligned to get you what you wanted.

Anyone out there that thinks they got a first gen LMT'd - the kick stand on the first gen is mounted to the bottom bracket and the bike comes with a 500C display. 2nd Gen will have the kickstand mounted to the back left chain stay and will use a KD218 display.
Well, I think I screwed myself. Kevin responded within thirty minutes to my email (can't beat that for great customer service) asking about switching to a Lmt'd with cafe handlebars and said "he had one left with those bars" and he would switch my order to that bike. Later I got to thinking did that mean a first generation bike with the associated torque sensor problems and the older style display. Will this be the bike that Wings02 returned? So now I guess I'll send another email asking to switch me back. I hate to be a pain but I also don't want to wind up with an "older" bike.
LOL. I suspect Kevin ordered enough bikes to cover all the orders plus extras to cover some additional orders. I find it extremely unlikely they kept some gen 1 bike sitting around waiting to ship to someone who calls in with a bike change request, lol, especially without changing out the controller with a known issue. I'm actually surprised they were down to just one bike with cafe bars.

The website is updated, "This variation is out of stock and being replaced with a ST frame which will be shipping in October."
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I would imagine that the serial number could not be changed so it wouldn’t be likely that they would send a returned bike. I’m still not too happy with Ride 1Up releasing a new model with obvious flaws in the design and then stating in a email that it is operating as designed. Yes, they did refund me the purchase price but I did have to pay almost $140 in return shipping charges.
I still say Gen 1 owners of the Limited were paying Beta testers.
In response to GenXrider, if you go to their website today, you'll see the Lmt'd is listed as in stock and you can actually order it with the cafe handlebars. That changed right after I ordered my Lmt'd. In the email from Kevin, he said he only had one bike with cafe bars so I don't know what is going on with their website. I got another email from sales that said if I wanted cafe bars, then that would take the step through configuration, which they haven't announced. So right now I know I'm getting a Lmt'd, I just know exactly what I'm getting.

Lumpydog, have you considered adding lights? There's a video from Ride1up that shows how to access the controllers wiring and provides a wiring schematic. It doesn't look hard and since you said you were a techie, thought you might have looked into this.
In response to GenXrider, if you go to their website today, you'll see the Lmt'd is listed as in stock and you can actually order it with the cafe handlebars. That changed right after I ordered my Lmt'd.

I think you missed my 12:54 PM edit to my earlier post, because that's exactly what I mentioned doing earlier. I had gone to the LMT'D page and clicked on the cafe handlebars option just before that edit, and it said, "This variation is out of stock and being replaced with a ST frame which will be shipping in October."

That was over 7 hours ago, so I just checked again now to see if anything has changed, but it still says that. Here is the screenshot.


Edit: OK, then I went back a minute later, and now it no longer shows that message. You can order it. I exited and went back a few times in 3 different browsers, and it's always showing the cafe version as in stock now. So, it looks like there could be a site issue. I don't trust what it says now.


Edit: OK, it's changed again for the cafe handlebar type. Now it says, " Pre-Order Only, orders will not ship until October 10th. "
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Got my LMTD on Wednesday and had it assembled by my local bike shop. First thing the mechanic said to me when I went to pick it up was, "sweet bike". Haven't even had the chance to ride it yet with some unusually cold and wet weather the last two days. Finally the sun has come out today! Can't wait to take it for a spin.