No more front mount, back to my Shimano 105 brake up front.


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A pic of my "1M cargo bike"....a Dahon Mu Uno with motor. Battery is in the rack bag. To shop, I retract the cable and put the little motor in the bag with the battery, then clip the bag to the top of the Travoy. 5 seconds and I'm off to Costco to load up on stuff.


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The rear mount might work on my Ti Swift. Was that the one Jeff made custom?
When I first emailed with Jeff about my pakit we were talking about a front mount; he hadn't seen one so he arranged for a Bfold customer to bring one to the shop. He envisioned the rear mount for the pakiT, designed and printed it, and sent me multiple iterations until we got a perfect fit. The swift has two tubes just like the pakiT, if the tubing is the same size, it might be compatible (there is some flexibility in spacing). You certainly should reach out to him via email (with some pics of your bike)
to see if he can modify the pakiT one or would make a new design. Send him the diameter of the tubing, the distance between, and how much space there is between the tire and the BB.
Oops, I keep meaning to compliment your tech-fu, write-ups, pics. You inspire me!
Back atcha. When I first thought about getting a folding bike, your posts on inspired me! I absolutely do not need or want another bike but I have to confess your Swift is just marvelous. That was actually the first folding bike I tried riding (regular swift) because of your posts. I would have gotten one, too, had a used Bike Friday not fallen into my hands. Have you any idea when your 1M will ship? I know it's slow going for them, putting together a small quantity each week, just like Helix.
Oops, I keep meaning to compliment your tech-fu, write-ups, pics. You inspire me!

Here's a couple pics of the rear mount detail on my BF. Maybe that will help you envision how it might fit your Swift.


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So today I spent some time admiring how Jeff enabled software on the controller (and app) that calculates range on the fly. As I was coming down the Bay Trail the wind just came up and about knocked me sideways. Since I needed to get home and walk the dog (poor thing is getting old and time matters) and I needed to have the energy to walk her, I turned on the motor. Since i hadn't charged up recently, I had about half battery left. Range at PAS 1 said 12 miles. I only had about 6 miles to go so I knew I was fine. I was on my single speed Dahon, so there was a limit to how much I could assist the motor, and with the wind, my speed was soon cut down to about 11 mph. I was able to push the controller to various levels of assist and watch the range projection change while I was riding. PAS 2 would give me 10 mile range, and so on. Armed with this info, I was able to determine exactly how much boost I could use and still be sure to get home. Now I am kind of a weenie, speed-wise, so I'm not going to go much more than 16mph (even though the bike can actually hit up to 28mph!). I settled on PAS 4, which with the wind felt like PAS 2. I rode home at a pretty consistent 15mph, and still had a little "gas in the tank".
Having this kind of information readily available, and easy to understand (please spare me the watt hour calculations while out on the bike) makes a huge difference in how comfortable and confident I am riding with 1M. It is so easy to adjust your speed to the distance required.
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Waiting on a shipment from Jeff with a revised rear mount that should allow for bigger tires than the kojak; will test it out for him. I ride the kojaks partly for low weight and also because I have been amazed at how flat-free they've been, but I know some folks prefer more flat protection built in which increases the depth of the tire. The revised mount should allow for a few more mm adjustment in those instances. Also, I installed a brand new kojak on my rear wheel and am tracking miles to quantify any tire wear as a result of the motor. When I've had a chance to actually develop meaningful data, I will post it.
Waiting on a shipment from Jeff with a revised rear mount that should allow for bigger tires than the kojak; will test it out for him. I ride the kojaks partly for low weight and also because I have been amazed at how flat-free they've been, but I know some folks prefer more flat protection built in which increases the depth of the tire. The revised mount should allow for a few more mm adjustment in those instances. Also, I installed a brand new kojak on my rear wheel and am tracking miles to quantify any tire wear as a result of the motor. When I've had a chance to actually develop meaningful data, I will post it.
It would be great if you could post your pakit's tube thickness where the mount clamps, and the spacing between them, and the distance between seat tube an read tyre so I can form an idea of what my situation would be. I prefer to form an idea about possible vs impossible before contacting Jeff and using up some of his time. I might simply go with the under-chainstay mount method if needed but I prefer your setup. I am not near my bike so can't actually take any measurements, although I do have the original drawings with me.
It would be great if you could post your pakit's tube thickness where the mount clamps, and the spacing between them, and the distance between seat tube an read tyre so I can form an idea of what my situation would be. I prefer to form an idea about possible vs impossible before contacting Jeff and using up some of his time. I might simply go with the under-chainstay mount method if needed but I prefer your setup. I am not near my bike so can't actually take any measurements, although I do have the original drawings with me.

Ok, keep in mind my measurements are not precise, I'm using a sewing tape measure, lol. Approx. 4cm around the tubes, about 4 cm for the length of the bracket itself, and about 6 cm between the tubes. The distance between the tube fittings is adjusted by two long bolts that connect the two separate bracket pieces; as you move up or down the tubing, you can adjust them to accommodate width. You would want the roller to be about 1-3cm from the tire; the distance of roller edge to the other end of the motor while mounted on the bracket is about 11-12cm. Add to that the 1-3cm for retracting and a little cushion, and that is the space you need between tire and mast. Let me know if there's anything else I can tell you.
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Ok, keep in mind my measurements are not precise, I'm using a sewing tape measure, lol. Approx. 4cm around the tubes, about 4 cm for the length of the bracket itself, and about 6 cm between the tubes. The distance between the tube fittings is adjusted by two long bolts that connect the two separate bracket pieces; as you move up or down the tubing, you can adjust them to accommodate width. You would want the roller to be about 1-3cm from the tire; the distance of roller edge to the other end of the motor while mounted on the bracket is about 11-12cm. Add to that the 1-3cm for retracting and a little cushion, and that is the space you need between tire and mast. Let me know if there's anything else I can tell you.
Ok, totally unrelated to biking (I'm home with a nasty cold so not riding) I realized as I was thinking about putting together an earthquake kit (been "thinking" about it for decades, lol) that my 1M battery will charge my phone multiple times if the power goes out for a long time. Kind of a nice extra perk. My post-apocalyptic bug out gear: my BF pakit with Burley Travoy trailer, loaded with bikepacking/earthquake/water/supplies, and my 1M to power my ride and phone. I wonder if there's a way to hook up a crank charger or a solar charger to the 1M....hmmmm.
Ok, totally unrelated to biking (I'm home with a nasty cold so not riding) I realized as I was thinking about putting together an earthquake kit (been "thinking" about it for decades, lol) that my 1M battery will charge my phone multiple times if the power goes out for a long time. Kind of a nice extra perk. My post-apocalyptic bug out gear: my BF pakit with Burley Travoy trailer, loaded with bikepacking/earthquake/water/supplies, and my 1M to power my ride and phone. I wonder if there's a way to hook up a crank charger or a solar charger to the 1M....hmmmm.

Great upgrade completed - MANUAL MODE. OneMotor can boast to belong to the industrial high standard automatic machine system one of the aspects of it whereby the user (operator) can take over the manual control of a selected feature, unique property in ebike industry!
Yes, Jeff has taken the leadership in ebike industry, no doubt
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Big ride planned tomorrow 33 miles with my adult son. 1M will be absolutely necessary so he doesn't have to wait for me every mile to catch up. Should be fun.
Learned today that using my 1M can actual provide great exercise - as much as riding manually but in a shorter time. With the motor set to the lowest PAS setting, I shift up two gears (from 5th to 7th on my 8 speed Bike Friday) and pedal at the same cadence I keep when riding normally (80-85 rpm). The addition of the motor offsets about 1.5 of the gearing effort so it's just slightly harder than my normal unmotored riding. However, I'm going faster and covering more miles, and I worked up a nice sweat. Today life caught up with me and I only had about 40 minutes to ride - my normal minimum exercise ride takes me an hour. Using the 1M, I was able to complete the ride and cover the same mileage in about 40 minutes with pretty similar effort. Now I know I can get in an exercise ride even when I don't have as much time as I would like...which means no more skipped days. Sweet.
Ok well today's ride was awesome! My son kept up his usual 22-24mph, and using level 1 and sometimes level 2 PAS with 7th gear and pedaling my ass off (90rpm) I managed to only run a little behind him. I was being really careful about battery usage since I had no idea how much further we would ride or whether there were climbs, but in retrospect I could have boosted the PAS up more (there are 9 levels). Using levels 1 and 2, I rode 34 miles and still have some juice left in the battery. I used PAS judiciously when I had headwinds or was falling behind, and used the "pause" function when I had a tailwind or my son slowed due to traffic or pedestrian congestion. Of the 34 miles, the 1M recorded 18 as using assist.
One really cool thing about the phone app is it shows you the current motor power output - so I could see that I was reducing battery usage when I ramped up my cadence and put more into driving the bike manually in harder gears. If I slowed my cadence or dropped the gearing down, I saw the power output go back up.
Don't let anyone tell you e-biking is cheating....I was sweating like crazy trying to keep up with my son and my legs are feeling it now, too. Sure, you can just hit the throttle and sit back and go; that's not the best use of the 1M imo. The beauty of the 1M is that it enhances the analog riding experience and blends in perfectly with it. It doesn't really change it.
So I have definitely found the sweet spot using my 1M. I have pretty severe osteoarthritis in one knee, and I'm used to being in pain the night after a ride. I don't feel any pain while riding, it comes later. As result, I've been riding my BF in 5th gear, easy gear inches, and spinning a high cadence to try not to aggravate my knee. That works but I'm limited in speed (higher gears put more pressure and do cause knee pain) and my fitness isn't improving particularly either. After the ride with my son using the 1M, not only did my knee not kill me at night but I also saw marked increase in muscle tightness after. More of my muscles were working and getting benefit. Now I ride with the 1M on the lowest PAS and put the bike in 7th gear and I'm definitely getting more of a workout than without the motor. Heart rate is about the same, but I am able to push harder and engage my muscles more. My legs are already showing a difference. Same with my abs. Without the motor I think my body had plateaud and was just holding at that level. Body weight has decreased a bit also. Still loving this system!
So I have definitely found the sweet spot using my 1M. I have pretty severe osteoarthritis in one knee, and I'm used to being in pain the night after a ride. I don't feel any pain while riding, it comes later. As result, I've been riding my BF in 5th gear, easy gear inches, and spinning a high cadence to try not to aggravate my knee. That works but I'm limited in speed (higher gears put more pressure and do cause knee pain) and my fitness isn't improving particularly either. After the ride with my son using the 1M, not only did my knee not kill me at night but I also saw marked increase in muscle tightness after. More of my muscles were working and getting benefit. Now I ride with the 1M on the lowest PAS and put the bike in 7th gear and I'm definitely getting more of a workout than without the motor. Heart rate is about the same, but I am able to push harder and engage my muscles more. My legs are already showing a difference. Same with my abs. Without the motor I think my body had plateaud and was just holding at that level. Body weight has decreased a bit also. Still loving this system!
Hi Lin and other guys! OneMotor just landed in Europe! Great refreshment between all sorts of ebikes zooming on the cycle paths. And if you're rocketing outside the Union where EU rules are not enforced , with a simple click you change the mode eg. to US to enjoy its full power.
Tomorrow my Brommie will be buzzing on the sunny Alpic cycle paths after I install the mounts, piece of cake - and if I'm a stuck dummy, there are always Jeff and Grace online to get me out of trouble.
Cheer it with me, guys!
We need pictures! And, of course, to hear what you think. I'm super excited for you, I know your install will be super easy (the Brompton mount is not as complicated as mine was). Be careful, don't go speeding like a looney right away, get used to it first. Have a blast!!!!
Today I appreciated the versatility of the 1M system. I had to run an errand and hadn't gotten around to charging, so I had about half a battery for the motor and about half a battery for the handlebar controller but I had run the PAS sensor dry since I use it all the time. So - I threw the PAS on the charger at home and then off I went on my errand. Using the phone app, I set the throttle at 50% so that when I pushed the little throttle joystick, I wouldn't inadvertently use too much of my limited power. I used the motor on the uphills via the throttle and just pedaled on the flatter stuff. On the way home, I set regen up since it was all pretty much down hill; I actually saw the motor battery gain 3%!!! Anyway, got home and still had a fair amount of juice so I could have given myself even more assist, but since I don't use the throttle often I'm not familiar with how quickly it drains the battery. I know at full power the throttle can go through the juice pretty quickly, so today I really appreciated the thoughtfulness of Jeff's design....I could even have set throttle to 25% if I'd started to run really low on juice. Lots of options and alternative ways to use it, I really like that. Grabbed my charged PAS sensor when I got home, did a quick one hour battery charge during lunch, and headed out with my trailer to Ikea to pick up some stuff.