Resist all negative thinking…

Rich W.

Active Member
The Farm, Grass Valley, Ca
I’ve been putting off posting about this since I first joined this forum, hoping I guess that it was an anomaly or isolated instance. But apparently it isn’t out of the norm, and I really think this is worth some consideration.

My post from another thread on the issue:

“I just really don’t get all the ridicule, anger, and negativity. Well actually I do, but I guess I wish I didn’t. How hard is it to take what is useful and leave the rest without all the invective? What does all that angst really do for you? And for that matter why do you even have that need?

I enjoy an RV forum that thankfully doesn’t include or involve all the anger, ridicule, and insults (respect and consideration taking precedence), and I left one that did. I just don’t have any place for it in my life, and I’ve seen many careers and marriages ruined by that personality trait. So for me, it’s get over it (and yourself) and move one. There are more important things to focus on and worry about. Hence my earlier post that “mature” was probably the right word after all.”

I for one find enough unpleasantness in the real world and I certainly don’t value exposing myself to it unnecessarily on-line. I’ll leave you with a synopsis of the four agreements (a little Toltec wisdom):

Don't take things personally
Be impeccable with your word
Do your best
Don’t make assumptions

And to answer the as yet unasked: “with yourself”. (yes I’ve been asked that question…).
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I could not agree more, but I fear this is a lost cause in today's world.
The polarization, thanks to the work of specific actors over the past decade, magnified by the power of the internet, has reached an all-time high.
And the disappearance of facts and truth is opening the flood gate to the worst of humanity...
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Try the ignore button, works for me.
I’ve been doing that both figuratively and actually, but decided to provide a little perspective. Probably falling on deaf ears or worse, but this is far more prevalent on this forum than elsewhere so it obviously doesn’t have to be this way, it’s mentally unhealthy, and I thought I’d try to contribute to the greater good, FWIW.
Try the ignore button, works for me.
Yes, the forum got a lot more pleasant for me with just 3 clicks of the ignore button. Gave those folks every chance to lighten up, but they just kept spewing anger and disrespect and knee-jerk dogma wherever they went -- often over nothing of importance.

Too bad, cuz I learned some valuable things about ebikes from one of them. After a while, though, their cost/benefit ratio just got too high.
far more prevalent on this forum than elsewhere so it obviously doesn’t have to be this way, it’s mentally unhealthy, .
You obviously have never been involved with MTBR :rolleyes:

I have been on here for almost 8 years now and have over 60 ignores, never actually checked that but just did out of curiosity.

Why I keep this forum in my que is because there are some good folks that post here with helpful and knowledgeable broad based comments, not just "get what I have brand loyalistas if you want to be one of the cool kids" as well as know it all and argumentative types that frankly get the ignore feature right away from me. I figure that if folks want to follow what I consider to be bad advise it is Caveat Emptor.

The picture based posts though are my favorite and like seeing all the different places that I probably never will in real life and some that I have.
Ya, it's sad. Not that I have anything earth shattering to add, but I really limit my posting because of a couple members, well mostly one, that busts my balls with every post! Not sure what his deal is.
The internet is a wonderful thing and its benefits are huge, but lately I've been thinking that we'd be better off, as a society, if the internet never existed.
I often have the same thoughts. Everyone has a voice and anyone can publish or broadcast, which of course is a wonderful opportunity, but there are no longer any social, cultural, educational, or even commercial constraints, so no skills, knowledge or ability are required, and mental stability and intent are no longer mitigating factors. Its just a free for all, chaos really, and I get that you have to take the good with the bad, so I thought I’d just throw out a plug for the good. I’m a cynical pessimist so I don’t believe it will have any effect, but at least I had my say - published with no credibility. Delightful!

I for one find enough unpleasantness in the real world and I certainly don’t value exposing myself to it unnecessarily on-line. I’ll leave you with a synopsis of the four agreements (a little Toltec wisdom):

Don't take things personally
Be impeccable with your word
Do your best
Don’t make assumptions

And to answer the as yet unasked: “with yourself”. (yes I’ve been asked that question…).

well said. this forum, and one other bike forum that i frequent have a small minority who can be very unpleasant at times. they’re easy enough to ignore - the world has enough unpleasantness in it, no need to trouble one’s self with what someone posts on an internet forum. everyone here has access to the internet and an electric bicycle (and likely much, much more) which means we don’t have too much to complain about in the big picture.

it is a mark of character to be able to have an intelligent, civil conversation with someone that you disagree with, as it is to understand the limitations of your own knowledge and experience.
this is a huge issue that the internet has exaggerated. like the saying goes you can never win an argument on the internet.
Funnily enough, it has a little to do with the internet. It is all about the human nature.

Only in 1831, a German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer published the book "Eristic Dialectic: The Art of Winning an Argument". Even if scholars met face to face in those times, they used many dishonest arguments just to win a discussion. Schopenhauer listed as many as 38 ways of winning the discussion, and sadly these are the same as used today on the internet.

The ultimate stratagem #38, Argumentum Ad Personam (become personal, insulting, rude) is the proof the person resorting to it has lost the discussion. In modern terms, such a person deserves an Ignore. Have you people noticed Argumentum Ad Personam has become the only modus operandi for several users (trolls, stalkers) here on EBR Fora?
The internet is a wonderful thing and its benefits are huge, but lately I've been thinking that we'd be better off, as a society, if the internet never existed.
Couldn't agree more. Given the internet's proven global effectiveness as a propaganda/radicalization machine and certain immutable aspects of human nature, I really worry that it will be the downfall of American democracy. These ugly human traits came through loud and clear in Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by noted historian Yuval Harari.

Radio, another powerful medium, played a similar role in the rise of Hitler's cult of personality and the Third Reich's vise-grip on power to the bitter end. Goebbels, the highly effective and blatantly named Minister of Propaganda, made sure that every German home had a receiver.
We just saw the new Bill Nighy film "Living", where he plays an old uptight bureaucrat who finds out he has maybe 6 months to live. At one point, he is asked why he not angry about bureaucratic stonewalling, and he says gently, "I don't have time for anger." None of us do. Only some people don't realize it.
Funnily enough, it has a little to do with the internet. It is all about the human nature.

Only in 1831, a German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer published the book "Eristic Dialectic: The Art of Winning an Argument". Even if scholars met face to face in those times, they used many dishonest arguments just to win a discussion. Schopenhauer listed as many as 38 ways of winning the discussion, and sadly these are the same as used today on the internet.

The ultimate stratagem #38, Argumentum Ad Personam (become personal, insulting, rude) is the proof the person resorting to it has lost the discussion. In modern terms, such a person deserves an Ignore. Have you people noticed Argumentum Ad Personam has become the only modus operandi for several users (trolls, stalkers) here on EBR Fora?
Yes, I have noticed that behavior from you directly both in posts and definately in PMs when you were losing an argument. Are you blind to your own behavior or perhaps just above it all
Yes, I have noticed that behavior from you directly both in posts and definately in PMs when you were losing an argument. Are you blind to your own behavior or perhaps just above it all
Interesting to see you here. Argumentum Ad Personam in the first post? :) Are you stalking me? Why did not you comment any post of anyone else here?
I’ve been putting off posting about this since I first joined this forum, hoping I guess that it was an anomaly or isolated instance. But apparently it isn’t out of the norm, and I really think this is worth some consideration.

My post from another thread on the issue:

“I just really don’t get all the ridicule, anger, and negativity. Well actually I do, but I guess I wish I didn’t. How hard is it to take what is useful and leave the rest without all the invective? What does all that angst really do for you? And for that matter why do you even have that need?

I enjoy an RV forum that thankfully doesn’t include or involve all the anger, ridicule, and insults (respect and consideration taking precedence), and I left one that did. I just don’t have any place for it in my life, and I’ve seen many careers and marriages ruined by that personality trait. So for me, it’s get over it (and yourself) and move one. There are more important things to focus on and worry about. Hence my earlier post that “mature” was probably the right word after all.”

I for one find enough unpleasantness in the real world and I certainly don’t value exposing myself to it unnecessarily on-line. I’ll leave you with a synopsis of the four agreements (a little Toltec wisdom):

Don't take things personally
Be impeccable with your word
Do your best
Don’t make assumptions

And to answer the as yet unasked: “with yourself”. (yes I’ve been asked that question…).
"...some comments would not be allowed in _______..."