Resale / secondhand e-bikes

Fancy McDancy

New Member
Hi Court

Have you considered doing an item, or even establishing a whole new sideline, talking about the resale market for e-bikes? Part of the reason I ask is that I'm considering trading in my 2017 R&M Delite Rohloff for a 2020 model and have been told by the dealer I bought the original from that the best he could offer was "50% of the original sale price minus 10% for each year of the bike's age". This is in the UK by the way. He even said that the market for used e-bikes was "brutal".

I must admit that there seems little interest on e-Bay or other online auction sites for used e-bikes, at least in the UK.

What are your views on this issue?
Like cars and trucks trade in value is always far lower than what you could possibly get selling it yourself. Not sure what it's like there but in the US bicycles in general new and used are in high demand due to Covid and short supply of new models. I'd put it up for sale locally for a bit more than what you think it's worth and take the best offer you get.
You have to take in consideration the cost of the battery should it fail. Ebike batteries are very expensive. I agree with JRA, Here in the US right now, you can’t find a bike in Walmart. Bike shop owners tell me that they have no inventory. Like JRA said, put it up for sale a bit higher than 50% value and you may be lucky. Good luck.
Hey Dallant LOL. Probably because they’re good and nobody wants to get rid of them.
I suppose but this has been that way for more than a year. People are upgrading and you’d think that would mean they’re available. I think folks are either keeping them (as part of their “stable”) or passing them on to family members/friends.
OK, I'll take the advice to try and sell them locally. Look out for a Kalkhoff Endeavour and R&M Delite Rohloff on the market soon!

Thanks guys.
Actually I don't agree with the 50% off with a premium bike like the Delight/Rohloff. Try and find a 2017 Tesla for half price....Personally I would take the replacement price and deduct a couple grand as a starting point. Given of course that the bike is in nice condition. Battery health is a factor but that info should be available at the display.
The difference between R&M and Tesla is that Tesla extends the warranty. A friend had told me that a new battery for his R&M cost $900. It is still an older bike. And you could be right JRA, but when your talking a big ticket pre owned ebike, where there’s no warranty, I would be hesitant to pay big bucks.
Actually I don't agree with the 50% off with a premium bike like the Delight/Rohloff. Try and find a 2017 Tesla for half price....Personally I would take the replacement price and deduct a couple grand as a starting point. Given of course that the bike is in nice condition. Battery health is a factor but that info should be available at the display.
I think part of the problem with a bike like a pricey R&M is that anyone who can afford a used R&M probably isn't going to blink at spending a few $k more for a new one that is exactly what they want and comes with a warranty. There was a gorgeous dual battery R&M posted locally here at the end of the summer and I think it took 4-5 months to sell after several price drops (it probably sold for around 50% of retail, a great deal for whoever ended up with it).

On the other hand, I regularly see used RAD's listed for $1500. The owners have usually added on a rack and maybe upgraded the saddle. The listings are gone after just a few days. Sure, the COVID Effect helps, but even last summer those would have been listed for $1300-1400 and might have taken a week or 2 to sell instead of just a few days. BTW - this is in the home of RAD where in normal times you can go down to the store and pick one up.

OP- you have nice bikes, inventory is scarce for new bikes, and it's the height of the riding season. I would list it now for a decent price, hopefully you'll find a new home for it!
Hi Court

Have you considered doing an item, or even establishing a whole new sideline, talking about the resale market for e-bikes? Part of the reason I ask is that I'm considering trading in my 2017 R&M Delite Rohloff for a 2020 model and have been told by the dealer I bought the original from that the best he could offer was "50% of the original sale price minus 10% for each year of the bike's age". This is in the UK by the way. He even said that the market for used e-bikes was "brutal".

I must admit that there seems little interest on e-Bay or other online auction sites for used e-bikes, at least in the UK.

What are your views on this issue?

Take a look at the Bicycle Blue Book for a good indication of value.

Thanks everyone for your responses. I had hoped though that Court would respond to the suggestion of a separate strand of work on resale e-bikes. I've asked the question again in case he missed it first time.
BTW anyone in the UK want to buy a Kalkhoff Endeavour S10 (2015) or a Reise and Muller Delite Rohloff twin battery (2017)? Reply here if you're interested / want more information.
Perhaps ... the real resale market is EU ,,, different editions?
Not sure about blue book for bicycles but the “books” for cars are a joke for well maintained cars that are older.
I sold a 92 BMW for 3000 when the “book” said 600. It was stock with 240k miles in just good condition. Certain things just have value. The young guy that wanted it for 600 got mad at me. I said find a BMW for 600 and tow it to me so I can see it. 🤣
BBB was started by a couple of guys in SV and has grown exponetially. I find the valuation guide to be accurate.

There are three parts to the process... the Value Guide, Buying or list to Sell, and a Trade-in program at your LBS.

They are not considering a well maintained Gary Fisher 29er to be a fair value to the seller. Age does not affect a bicycle like it does a car in the case where the bicycle is kept indoors. Cars are much more expensive to repair so age is important. Better keep your bike a long time because when you sell it’s treated like junk.
An update on my bike re-sale issue. I sold the Kalkhoff on eBay for around 35% of its original price; it was after all 6 years old and I was glad to dispose of it. The 3 year-old R&M Delite went on eBay for 60% of its price new. Thanks for the advice guys.
BBB was started by a couple of guys in SV and has grown exponetially. I find the valuation guide to be accurate.

There are three parts to the process... the Value Guide, Buying or list to Sell, and a Trade-in program at your LBS.

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Just out of interest I went on the BBB site. They don't recognise Reise and Muller as a brand!!