Not sure what happened to my original post, after it locked after two quick typo fixes it was re-approved but then apparently disappeared... ?!?! (Note: type more carefully or don't edit errors... on your 1st forum post)...
Hopefully readers will find some humor and wisdom in this post. Thanks for having me.
Well it's been a long, hard, life! ;-) After a Huffy cruiser (remember those? we were poor...) as a kid, and some thin HP tire road bikes - remember Schwinn (with their OMG indestructibly heavy tubular steel rims?!?!), then a nice Nishiki (wow they still make them!) light-as-a-feather road bike... until the late 80's and the wife and I moved onto some Specialized MTBs --- we went through all the early MTB trail access/fight/HATE battles back then. You know what? - NO hikers died and the equestrians and their horses all survived too --- and in the end, we ALL had a good time.
Later upgraded to a polished aluminum finish Gary Fisher Joshua - a classically bizzaro looking, full-suspension frame, in the late 90's/early 2000's. Several crashes on both MTBs w/broken fingers including a helmeted face-plant into a train track (steel is hard stuff) --- that induced a years-later root canal (love those not)... BTW, did crash the Schwinn 10-speed back in high school, when a @#$%^!! car cut me off - I went flying across the trunk lid - don't worry - the bike was fine (indestructible tubular steel rims - remember?)
Now much older and less into speed, crashes, and pain LoL. ;-). Wife now needs some help getting back on the trails both paved and dirt, with a bum knee and all. These e-bikes, E-MTBs, and e-FTBs will help a lot of older folks get off their couches, out of their vehicles, and back on their bikes (you never forget how - correct?!?!). Will also help a lot of younger urban commuters get out of their vehicles and into the fresh air (and rain LoL!). Heck e-Bikes of all types will help a lot of folks - including pedal-bike snobs who haven't figured it out yet (but will) or gotten old. ;-)
Have always been a classic car/truck/4-wheel/Jeeper Gear-Head for decades and decades, so the tech in these e-Bikes is totally cool/attractive. Researched and bought some "entry" mid-powered e-FTBs to get the wife back on the trail/paths. Plan to also hang these e-FTBs on the back of the RV or Jeeps, for local 2-wheeled sightseeing on the road, in dirt, and on the beach/in sand --- maybe even some snow. We get airing down (from years of Jeeping/rock crawling) but the fat-tire inner tube scrubbing/wear at low PSIs will be new to us (...our Jeeps which we do air down, are of course tubeless). Doing the FTB tubeless mods would not/do not thrill this guy, but we understand why it's done by some. Also necessarily got some low-pressure tire gauges for our FTBs.
We understand FTBs aren't for everyone, but they are the Jeeps (some say Hummers) of bikes, and and mentioned love them or not, we've had CJ/Wrangler Jeeps for decades.
Appreciate all the great tech and build posts to this forum. Without members posting good info and thoughts, the value of the forum would be much less, so please keep it up guys and gals! Thank you.
I hope the bureaucrats ease up on e-Bike trail access for everyone including the disabled, and us old folks. It's getting better every day in part due to the People For Bikes organization advocating to government regulators, land use staffers, consumers, and the bike industry. That's all good work. I suggest looking them up at peopleforbikes dot org.
The USA is a federation of individual states, so the e-Bike laws and regulations are often a patchwork quilt of inconsistencies and silliness, and the Feds rarely get right either at their level either. They need our prodding to get smart and get things right. Ride On! folks!
Hopefully readers will find some humor and wisdom in this post. Thanks for having me.
Well it's been a long, hard, life! ;-) After a Huffy cruiser (remember those? we were poor...) as a kid, and some thin HP tire road bikes - remember Schwinn (with their OMG indestructibly heavy tubular steel rims?!?!), then a nice Nishiki (wow they still make them!) light-as-a-feather road bike... until the late 80's and the wife and I moved onto some Specialized MTBs --- we went through all the early MTB trail access/fight/HATE battles back then. You know what? - NO hikers died and the equestrians and their horses all survived too --- and in the end, we ALL had a good time.
Later upgraded to a polished aluminum finish Gary Fisher Joshua - a classically bizzaro looking, full-suspension frame, in the late 90's/early 2000's. Several crashes on both MTBs w/broken fingers including a helmeted face-plant into a train track (steel is hard stuff) --- that induced a years-later root canal (love those not)... BTW, did crash the Schwinn 10-speed back in high school, when a @#$%^!! car cut me off - I went flying across the trunk lid - don't worry - the bike was fine (indestructible tubular steel rims - remember?)
Now much older and less into speed, crashes, and pain LoL. ;-). Wife now needs some help getting back on the trails both paved and dirt, with a bum knee and all. These e-bikes, E-MTBs, and e-FTBs will help a lot of older folks get off their couches, out of their vehicles, and back on their bikes (you never forget how - correct?!?!). Will also help a lot of younger urban commuters get out of their vehicles and into the fresh air (and rain LoL!). Heck e-Bikes of all types will help a lot of folks - including pedal-bike snobs who haven't figured it out yet (but will) or gotten old. ;-)
Have always been a classic car/truck/4-wheel/Jeeper Gear-Head for decades and decades, so the tech in these e-Bikes is totally cool/attractive. Researched and bought some "entry" mid-powered e-FTBs to get the wife back on the trail/paths. Plan to also hang these e-FTBs on the back of the RV or Jeeps, for local 2-wheeled sightseeing on the road, in dirt, and on the beach/in sand --- maybe even some snow. We get airing down (from years of Jeeping/rock crawling) but the fat-tire inner tube scrubbing/wear at low PSIs will be new to us (...our Jeeps which we do air down, are of course tubeless). Doing the FTB tubeless mods would not/do not thrill this guy, but we understand why it's done by some. Also necessarily got some low-pressure tire gauges for our FTBs.
We understand FTBs aren't for everyone, but they are the Jeeps (some say Hummers) of bikes, and and mentioned love them or not, we've had CJ/Wrangler Jeeps for decades.
Appreciate all the great tech and build posts to this forum. Without members posting good info and thoughts, the value of the forum would be much less, so please keep it up guys and gals! Thank you.
I hope the bureaucrats ease up on e-Bike trail access for everyone including the disabled, and us old folks. It's getting better every day in part due to the People For Bikes organization advocating to government regulators, land use staffers, consumers, and the bike industry. That's all good work. I suggest looking them up at peopleforbikes dot org.
The USA is a federation of individual states, so the e-Bike laws and regulations are often a patchwork quilt of inconsistencies and silliness, and the Feds rarely get right either at their level either. They need our prodding to get smart and get things right. Ride On! folks!