Repeated Loss of Bluetooth connection with upgraded Kiox.


I have recently had my Kiox upgraded to the latest version which does incorporate a lot of good improvements. However on a number of occasions I have lost the bluetooth connection between my Samsung S7 phone and the Kiox.

ebike connect on the phone tells me that Kiox was synced just recently but then gets stuck in a searching mode. There is no update of the data set associated with the supposed recent sync and there is no sync indicated when turning the Kiox off. If I check the bluetooth connection on the S7 it says cannot pair because of incorrect pin or pass key. I then have to go through the Kiox procedure to re pair the phone to restore the bluetooth pairing. Not sure if perhaps the bluetooth pin in Kiox is being overwritten or corrupted.

Has anybody else had a similar experience of losing the bluetooth connection ???
I have the same since the upgrade. Using a iPhone 12 Pro with Kiox hardware Losing connection after minutes of riding. Only way to keep it connected is having a navigation active. Hope Bosch will provide a fix soon. Greetings from Rotterdam, The Netherlands.