Got the bike today. Was very straightforward to put together. Some minor issues probably to be expected from a cheaper internet order bike. The battery wasn’t on the frame, but adjacent to it, so there was minor scratching through the black paint on the down tube unfortunately. Their instructional video says the battery would be installed on it during shipping, but it wasn‘t. A 10+ pound battery moving around is not a good idea, and definitely a simple thing to address. The rest of the thick box had a lot of very thick pieces of foam strategically placed, which was great. Still haven’t seen any other damage as of yet. Still, if FedEx clunked the box down hard, or it fell over, I wouldn’t be surprised for someone’s order to incur damage as the bike is so heavy.
The rear wheel is not true, in fact, quite embarrassingly lopsided. I haven’t looked closely to see if it’s not seated properly in the rear chain stays or something else, but that does concern me in terms of the build. The fenders are decent quality, but difficult to mount properly to prevent rubbing, especially with a wheel that’s not true.
I will probably replace the seat with a WTB. It’s ridiculously cushiony, which while some people prefer, it’s definitely not for me.
I rode on wet streets today to test, and afterwards, let it sit on the porch to dry out. Upon returning, the bike was dripping what looked like black powdercoat paint, staining the porch. I was pretty shocked, never seen anything like that before?!
The battery mounts so tightly to the frame that I couldn’t get it to lock in at first. I had to use all my weight to shove it in. Probably a good thing since people have had connection issues, but can’t imagine this happening with a major brand. Not would it be ideal for an older rider like, say, my parents.
Came with a gold painted bell that was perhaps the cheapest thing I’ve ever seen, like if the dollar store sold them.
The bike is built like a tank, and weighs like one. Thus the frame seems very sturdy. It’s a strange sensation riding something so heavy and with so much inertia. The tires are nice, but a bigger tire I think makes more sense for something this heavy, like a 2.2 or 2.4, as you have on the Giant FastRoad.
The motor whirs loud enough that everybody will hear an eBike going by—especially compared to the Specialized—but it’s not bothersome by any means. But this thing is indeed really powerful. Extremely powerful, but oddly still requires me to contribute enough to get my heart rate up. I was surprised, and pleased, by that fact. I’m new to eBikes, but the feel of the torque sensor wasn’t all so different from the Vado. At level 0, with no assist, it actually felt smooth enough that I could ride this way to increase my workout. The drivetrain was a bit noisy but worked efficiently as expected.
I ride drop handlebar bikes, so I don’t like the very wide flat bar at all. May look into a Jones bar or some other upgrade to help protect my wrists, which already hurt after a few miles. I installed Shimano PD-T8000 pedals, which are fantastic quality and quite lightweight for the size, and perfect for commuting with SPD shoes, but can also use regular shoes if needed on the other side. I highly recommend them.
I like to spin high cadence, but found I needed to go into a slower cadence and higher gear in order to get higher speeds—I’ll need to see if I can work around that while commuting to protect my knees and keep my spin rate optimal, while still averaging ~25mph.
Overall, the bike seems to be exactly what was described on this forum and in reviews, with the exception of maybe a few more cheap parts and build than I expected. Definitely not a mainstream brand quality build—but the battery power is extremely impressive. Kinda like the 90’s Camaro, or if Walmart bought a high tech transportation company and started swapping pieces with in-store off the shelf items. In terms of getting to work fast and efficiently, for the price, it may be almost unbeatable. If it proves to be reliable, then easily some of the best money I’ve spent. That’s really all I care about; so just hope it doesn’t leave me stranded on the side of the road at any point.
Very much first impressions with only a few miles, so this all means little, but just wanted to share. I’m sure my thoughts will change over time.