Recommendation for a cover for two bikes


I'm looking for a cover that will fit over two bikes (Pedego Boomerangs 24" & 26"). The cover will be used occassionally while motorhome camping, mainly at night to keep bikes protected and less visible. I'd like it to be waterproof. I've looked at a number of these covers on Amazon, so any and all advice is appreciated.
Stack the two bikes next to each other like you would on the road, and take some measurements. Then look for large grill govers. You still have to worry about grill thieves.
I'm looking for a cover that will fit over two bikes (Pedego Boomerangs 24" & 26"). The cover will be used occassionally while motorhome camping, mainly at night to keep bikes protected and less visible. I'd like it to be waterproof. I've looked at a number of these covers on Amazon, so any and all advice is appreciated.
Any motorcycle cover will work. Their bigger than bicycle covers so it will fit both ebikes. That’s what I use.

Yamaha makes high quality waterproof covers.

I use a cover from a quad
I am looking for the same thing except our 2 bikes would be in the back of our truck while towing a holiday trailer. I am concerned about the wind on the highway, wearing a hole in the cover somewhere where it is rubbing maybe? Cover would have to be heavy duty I would think, not sure. But then at $20-35 a cover from amazon.. could just replace it every year I suppose.

@darksky what have you tried?

The quad and motorcycle covers is a good thought... hmm