Received new CCX the rear wheel is completely crooked


New Member
Hello Guys,

Just received my new CCX order. I don't know how they allow such things out the door. The QC must be non-existent there.
On my bike the rear wheel has an inch of wobble side to side and also 1/4" out of round. Some spokes are not even finger tight and some are overtightened.
I am at a loss as to how to proceed. I think they should send me a new wheel, this one needs to be relaced properly.
Also there is some wobble in the front wheel and break disk so it's rubbing, it's not as bad as the rear wheel and can probably be corrected...

Any suugestions?

Thank you,
Yes you should get a new rear wheel entirely. And new front wheel with a completely true rotor. And they should pay for a local shop to mount both.
Hello Guys,

Just received my new CCX order. I don't know how they allow such things out the door. The QC must be non-existent there.
On my bike the rear wheel has an inch of wobble side to side and also 1/4" out of round. Some spokes are not even finger tight and some are overtightened.
I am at a loss as to how to proceed. I think they should send me a new wheel, this one needs to be relaced properly.
Also there is some wobble in the front wheel and break disk so it's rubbing, it's not as bad as the rear wheel and can probably be corrected...

Any suugestions?

Thank you,
Hi Alex , please reach out to our support team with pictures of the issue and the box. They will follow up with more details to get this promptly solved. You can reach them directly at [email protected].
Thank you for your time
Yikes, any pictures? I hope you get your bike fixed soon and that Juiced Bikes cover the costs... :eek:

It's hard to take a picture of a wobble, a video may-be... The support offered to take it to a bike shop for wheel truing and claim they will refund the cost. I have a feeling that the rim may be defective and can not be trued, but I will leave that decision to the mechanic. I'll report back in a couple of days when I get to that. Nobody will cover my time of course so the cost of the bike is starting to climb above the purchase price.
Nobody will cover my time of course so the cost of the bike is starting to climb above the purchase price.
I think everyone will agree that when you buy a bike online, you getter cheaper pricing but you may have to deal with issues that surface (due to rough shipping or QA or both). Even if you buy a bike from a local dealer it is not uncommon to go back for further adjustments after a few hundred miles. So relax, take a deep breath, and have your wheels checked and fixed by a reputable mechanic. I also had to deal with truing the rear wheel by a local shop due to a heavy jolt/hit during shipping. All companies will take responsibility of shipping a heavy large ebike via mail and reimburse you for the cost of fixing issues like truing a wheel. So relax, have it fixed and enjoy your new ride.
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I'm so happy they offered to take your bike to the shop and refund the cost for you!!! That's real great!!! :D
I'm so happy they offered to take your bike to the shop and refund the cost for you!!! That's real great!!! :D
Your profile picture must be the most hideous looking battery that I've ever seen..o_O... I can understand the straps but why the plastic cover?
I had my rear wheel trued at a local bike shop and got rid of most of the side-to-side wobble. If you use the throttle on the bike stand it looks like it has some vertical hop but I don’t notice it while riding the bike. And I’ve got over 10k miles on my Cross Current.
Yes you should get a new rear wheel entirely. And new front wheel with a completely true rotor. And they should pay for a local shop to mount both.

I agree with Deleted Member 4210....You should receive new wheels. If your wheel issues were a result of rough handling during transit the shipping carton would have
had significant damage. You bought a new bike. You should not have take it to your LBS before you even ride it.

I've told this story multiple times...My Trek Powerfly7 emtb arrived at my LBS with the Bosch thumb controller damaged in shipping. I told my LBS,
no big deal, order a replacement, install it and all would be fine. The controller was back ordered....What to do ? I said why not contact a stocking dealer,
we'll buy the part ($48) and that will be that... Trek said no....Their exact words to my LBS....

"Your customer bought a new bike. You shouldn't have to swap parts before he rides it. We'll send a replacement Powerfly7 out immediately "
Trek shipped a replacement bike from Waterloo Iowa to CT and in four days I was off and riding... Case closed : )
I agree with Deleted Member 4210....You should receive new wheels. If your wheel issues were a result of rough handling during transit the shipping carton would have
had significant damage. You bought a new bike. You should not have take it to your LBS before you even ride it.

I've told this story multiple times...My Trek Powerfly7 emtb arrived at my LBS with the Bosch thumb controller damaged in shipping. I told my LBS,
no big deal, order a replacement, install it and all would be fine. The controller was back ordered....What to do ? I said why not contact a stocking dealer,
we'll buy the part ($48) and that will be that... Trek said no....Their exact words to my LBS....

"Your customer bought a new bike. You shouldn't have to swap parts before he rides it. We'll send a replacement Powerfly7 out immediately "
Trek shipped a replacement bike from Waterloo Iowa to CT and in four days I was off and riding... Case closed : )
The Powerfly7 is a nice bike but more than twice the price of the CCX so I would think all that Trek profit has to go somewhere, like dealer margins and better customer service. BTW, congrats on your purchase. The Trek Powerfly7 is a great emtb.
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The Powerfly7 is a nice bike but more than twice the price of the CCX so I would think all that Trek profit has to go somewhere, like dealer margins and better customer service. BTW, congrats on your purchase. The Trek Powerfly7 is a great emtb.

AZOldTech, I agree with you. I thought about it after I posted and to be clear, I wasn't implying Jucied should send out a new bike nor would I expect them
or others to do so. From the info posted ( "Some spokes are not even finger tight and some are overtightened." ) it appears there's a QC issue with the bike
since 'a701440' didn't indicate damage to the shipping carton. If that's correct a new set of wheels would be nice..

On second thought, you put it very well..".I think everyone will agree that when you buy a bike online, you get cheaper pricing but you may
have to deal with issues that surface (due to rough shipping or QA or both)." That pretty well sums it up.....Never mind : )

We've seen this before. Juiced has grown quickly. Every time they undergo another expansion, there are QC issues and customer service lags. Then they get it back together. Then they take another leap forward and the cycle begins again. There have been a few people who have posted here who just never felt satisfied with the response from Juiced, and a few of those were legitimate. Considering the 1000s of bikes Juiced has sold, that's a small percentage, and is bound to happen no matter what the product or the company. I hope @a701440 will be one of the ones whose bike is put to rights.
TrustPilot ratings back up @Bruce Arnold... Juiced Bikes customers are mostly happy! :D

But what he says can coexist with @roadandmtbebikes analysis too. I've seen incompetence over multiple transactions, so I'm sure a steady flow of people are getting reamed. :eek:

It would be interesting to see a breakdown of what's going on per model. I bet certain models are really bad like CCX, HyperFat, and HyperScrambler. For example, the CCX's juggernaut battery on its big spindly wheels might be prone to vibration failures compared to the stocky Scrambler with its bump-absorbing wide wheels? Anything labelled Hyper*** seems to have issues with untamed wild motors?

CCX is constantly on sale and these posts KEEP happening? Is Juiced still working through some original defective batch... or is nobody with an eye for self-improvement working to improve the QC process? On the other hand, we've also seen people swear by the ODK. That seemed like a real good model? CCS is probably pretty stable too... Reention designed both battery and enclosure unlike the CCX? :rolleyes:

Anyway, Juiced Bikes will always strive to expand, so I guess these issues will never end. Adjust expectations accordingly... o_O
Here is an update on the wheel. I took the bike to a good local shop. The wheel can not be fixed the rim has a flat spot around the seam approximately 3" long.

To me it looks like they picked a defective rim, laced it up, noticed the defect with some spokes still not tight and instead of replacing the rim and doing the right thing just shipped it as is. On the US side I think the extent of the QC Juiced is providing is opening the box, looking inside for obvious damage with a flash light, taping the box back and shipping out. If they pulled the bike out of the box and just spinned the wheels the damage is impossible not to notice.

Let's see what juiced support is going to do for me, I'll keep you posted.

The bike shop guy said that I would be looking at ~$80 for a new rim, ~$60 for new spokes and ~$70 in labor to rebuild the wheel there. I have a feeling it's not easy to get the 13g Sapim spokes online, they are not very popular.
Here is an update on the wheel. I took the bike to a good local shop. The wheel can not be fixed the rim has a flat spot around the seam approximately 3" long.

To me it looks like they picked a defective rim, laced it up, noticed the defect with some spokes still not tight and instead of replacing the rim and doing the right thing just shipped it as is. On the US side I think the extent of the QC Juiced is providing is opening the box, looking inside for obvious damage with a flash light, taping the box back and shipping out. If they pulled the bike out of the box and just spinned the wheels the damage is impossible not to notice.

Let's see what juiced support is going to do for me, I'll keep you posted.

The bike shop guy said that I would be looking at ~$80 for a new rim, ~$60 for new spokes and ~$70 in labor to rebuild the wheel there. I have a feeling it's not easy to get the 13g Sapim spokes online, they are not very popular.

I was banned a few months ago due to issues I had with my HF1100 and I complained about it here. I'm interested in knowing how it plays out here, I'd save a draft of your posts locally in a text editor and post to Reddit ((Link Removed - No Longer Exists)) if this thread ends up disappearing.

Juiced support should really just send you a whole new wheel + motor assembly that has been QCed and verified to work properly so your LBS can just check tension on the spokes and put the new wheel on without a lot of fuss. Once you receive the wheel they should pay for return shipping on the old wheel + motor assembly and whatever engineering/operations staff exists at Juiced needs to look at it and figure out why this made it to a customer and how to prevent it in the future.
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Here is an update on the wheel. I took the bike to a good local shop. The wheel can not be fixed the rim has a flat spot around the seam approximately 3" long.

To me it looks like they picked a defective rim, laced it up, noticed the defect with some spokes still not tight and instead of replacing the rim and doing the right thing just shipped it as is. On the US side I think the extent of the QC Juiced is providing is opening the box, looking inside for obvious damage with a flash light, taping the box back and shipping out. If they pulled the bike out of the box and just spinned the wheels the damage is impossible not to notice.

Let's see what juiced support is going to do for me, I'll keep you posted.

The bike shop guy said that I would be looking at ~$80 for a new rim, ~$60 for new spokes and ~$70 in labor to rebuild the wheel there. I have a feeling it's not easy to get the 13g Sapim spokes online, they are not very popular.

Sorry this happened to you.
I hope Juiced steps up and resolves all this. I am sure they will and they are not doing themselves any favor by not addressing concerns like this.
Have you reached out to @Luis Mtz, @Tora Harris and @Juiced Support .
I am tagging them here, so that they can help you.

Once you start pumping 1000W thru the drive train or wheels, you need more robust drivetrain (for a mid-drive), super sturdy wheels/rims (for a hub drive).
HF has one of the most powerful motors on the market and with that comes additional need for heavy-duty wheels and spokes.
I am not a big fan of doing the rebuild at a bike shop. This moves the responsibility from Juiced to the bike shop for the quality of the wheel and delays the whole process. It takes the same time to ship the parts for the rebuild as shipping the new wheel. The bikes shops are getting busy now the rebuild will take at least a week. I hope Juiced resolves this quickly. The whole QC situation is a lot of bull.