RadRover U Lock

I recently got a new HipLok Superbright , that wraps around the seatpost (or waist, when riding, as a belt.) It's a heavy duty chain like the Kyptonite NY Fahgettaboudit lock (mentioned above) but flatter. It also glows at night-

I also have the same "Club Utility" lock mentioned above, the UTL800 (bigger than the UTL810) and what I love most about it is that it stores *perfectly* on my Ibera IB-RA5 rack. It's as if the shelf was made for it!

The natural tendency is to look at how thick/stout/big the chain or steel rod of a given lock is...but the weak link is of course the lock itself, keyed or combo. Old style Kryptonite locks could be opened with a Bic pen, as I suspect most folks here remember. How secure are the new versions? The 4-wheel combination bike locks and the 'gym locker' type locks made by Master et al. are easily defeated, in less than a minute and without a single tool being used. Youtube offers many sobering videos on the subject. So even tho' the form factor (shape & size) and the strength of a lock is important, the specific lock type is critical. OTOH I don't know what I'm going to do about the (supposedly, very secure) 5-pin key locks on the doors of my home, which can be defeated with two paper clips. Chances are, you're door locks are just like mine and just as vulnerable. Sobering, indeed...

So, do you have a recommendation about what we should use to protect our new EBikes? Do you have a bike, what do you use?

Mark -
Abus Bordo Granit X-Plus 6500. I own this and like it very much. The holster can be mounted most anywhere with the included Velcro straps or onto the water bottle bosses with the included hardware.

Get the best lock you can afford for the big city! Apparently no one cares!

Look like the only reason anyone finally called the cops in the final attempt was because the noise of the power tool was too distracting & potentially constituted a "weapon".
Mark, I don't have a rec for a bike lock, at least not yet, altho' I am considering one option. Two suggestions for you: 1) Visit a locksmith and discuss padlock choices. When picking a lock system - the ABUS lock mentioned above is a good example - the manufacturer is choosing the actual lock, so we have no choice in how secure it is/isn't. And normally the manufacturer doesn't indicate e.g. how many pins are used in a keyed lock, while we know the more the better. An experienced locksmith should have a more critical view on the relative security of various padlocks, which can then be added to a length of proof coil or HT chain that's slipped inside an old inner tube. So far, that strikes me as secure an option as any, altho' unfortunately heavy & bulky. 2) Type 'lock picking austin tx' into youtube and watch a few of the videos done by Scam School. Austin has a 'lock picking club' and several members demonstrate their acquired 'skills' in the videos. It will give you a good feel for how locks work, how easy some are to defeat, and why some are better than others.

Back in the day, one of my collateral duties on a sub was Top Secret Control Officer. I was solely responsible for all the crypto cards, TS intel summaries and so forth. Scared the hell out of me, since a former shipmate I knew had lost a batch of crypto cards on another boat and the Navy made him deeply regret his error. Everything was stored in a very old safe and, as were were preparing to leave the shipyard after an overhaul, I discovered one day I couldn't open up the safe. I talked with the crypto guys at the yard and they sent down the shipyard's locksmith to fix the combo lock. So I escort him to the safe, he puts his little bag of tools down and tells me to leave the compartment. I explain I can't; I'm solely responsible for all the safe's contents and some of them are highly classified. He shrugs and says 'You leave and I'll fix the safe. You stay and I'll leave.' So I step outside the compartment, he pulls the curtain closed, and in less than a minute the safe is open and curtain pulled back. Locksmiths, it turns out, know stuff we mere mortals do not.
@J.R. I did not realize how fast that can actually happen. Less then 2 minutes with the crowbar and he didn't even know what to do with it at first!
ABUS lock mentioned above is a good example - the manufacturer is choosing the actual lock, so we have no choice in how secure it is/isn't. And normally the manufacturer doesn't indicate e.g. how many pins are used in a keyed lock, while we know the more the better.
'Normally' isn't the case with Abus. If you want to know something about the Abus 6500, there's plenty of information and reviews for it.

abus 6500 pins.JPG

YouTube Video from Abus

Product home page with description and specs.

If someone plans to pick or cut this lock, there's nothing stopping that thief, they will have your bike. Hopefully that's where insurance kicks in. The trick with bike locks is finding something that will secure your bike and that you are willing to carry all the time and use every time. Security, fit and flexibility. I include a flexible cable, when necessary (rare where I ride), with this lock to go through the other rim and my Brooks saddle.

This guy has the right idea for high crime areas.

Maybe technology will provide the solution: http://noke.com

I like the looks of this, an unpickable digital lock. I've been in communication with them and the production shipping date has been moved back to March 2016. They are going through some engineering changes like adding more waterproofing to the cylinder, and third party security testing. They are using Bluetooth 4.0 and PKI Encryption and Cryptographic Key Exchange. The total weight of the lock with the long (11") shackle is 3#. Sounds like they're worth keeping an eye on. Here's a link to their Kickstarter... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fuzdesigns/noke-u-lock-worlds-smartest-u-lock/description

Mark -
I like the looks of this, an unpickable digital lock.

I also like the built in audible alarm and the alerts to your phone if someone is messing with your lock. At least for a while, this could be a pretty good deterrent to a thief walking around with a crowbar and/or lock picking tools.