RadRover no longer goes 24.7mph anymore..


New Member
For the first 400 miles my Rover would reach 24.7 no problem, even going up slight inclines it would reach the 24.7 no problem, Now it only hits 22.5 and sometimes 23. Can someone help me get back to the speeds I Love....
Thank you All, Shawn
Wind, tire pressure, to many donuts?

Mine will go 24 mph on flat surfaces since I reprogramed. Did you make the changes in your screen originally?
Running the Rad at 24.7 mph all the time is like driving your SUV at 125 mph all the time. The Rad can do it; but, it going to wear out the e-parts a lot faster compared to 15-20 mph sweet spot. My average speed is between 16-19 mph work commuting with 500 foot elevation change from home to work. I have my LCD screen set to 36 km/h, wheel size 28", and tire set to 21-23 PSI on my Vee8 120 tpi tires. I also upgraded my brakes to TRP Spyke and Jagwire brake cables to help shorten my emergency braking distance at +20 mph. It takes a lot to stop me at +270lbs at that speed.

I have two 2016 Radrovers with +5500 miles between them.
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I drop about 1-2 PSI every 2-3 weeks for my rover. My wife drops around 5-8 PSI on her Radcity during the same time.
Wind, tire pressure, to many donuts?

Mine will go 24 mph on flat surfaces since I reprogramed. Did you make the changes in your screen originally?
How do you Reprogram it?
I did do some changes, I switched to 28in wheel untill I realized it was a 26in wheel.
Mr Gold - when u say 'wear out the e-parts a lot faster ' are you referring to the battery only or does the motor/controller change-get weaker too? Can you expand on your thoughts regarding this please? I like to go faster too. :)
Need to put your rim size back to 28 default for a fat tire. It is all about total size not just rim size. Even tire pressure will change the accuracy. Just use a GPS to verify true speed, think the smaller tire will show the missing 2 mph. Also from another poster here that tested a two mile run was showing 1.7 after two miles when set to 26 inch. Would keep total mile down on you odometer.
Your best bet for higher sustained speeds of +25 mph is to upgrade to a Class III ebike or upgrade your Rover to 1000 watt rear hub or mid drive system:

Luna Cycle 1000w Fat ebike kit rear hub: https://lunacycle.com/fat-ebike-kit-1000-watt-waterproof-connectors/

Luna Cycle Mid-drive kits: https://lunacycle.com/mid-drive-kits/

Rad power bikes are one of the best entry level ebikes with a 1 year warranty and excellent customer service you can get at $1500. I don't know a lot about bike; but, I don't see how the standard parts are made for sustained +25 mph for level ground let along inclines for years. Heat build-up in the geared rear hub with the plastic parts being my first concern at sustained PAS 5 on long inclines. There is a lot of wind and ground resistance at 25 mph and all that stress/heat is going into the rear hub under power.

I would take the rear hub shutting down at PAS 5 on a long incline as a warning shot. I don't know how smart the controller and hub are to shut down before any damage or does it shut down after damage starts? You might already sustained minor loss of performance if your motor isn't delivering full power prior to shut down incident on the PAS 5 long incline.
How do you Reprogram it?
I did do some changes, I switched to 28in wheel untill I realized it was a 26in wheel.
If you are saying you reprogrammed your display to 26" wheel size, that may be your problem. I am a new Mini owner, and when I looked at the programming on my display it was set at 22". The RadMini has 20" wheels. I reset my display to 20", thinking it was programmed incorrectly. I then went for a familiar ride, and speed and distance seemed off (lower). When I got home I measured the outside circumference of my front tire - BINGO! it is 22 inches. I have reset my display to 22" and everything is OK. I believe your Rover (with 26" wheels) should be programmed to 28". This might be the cause of your speed issues.
The Rover should be set to 28. Even though it's a 26" rim, the tire is closer to 28. Since I have a gps on my bike
I noticed the difference in the bike odometer and the gps. 28 make them way closer. Think about it, if the computer thinks the tire is 26 circumference but it's actually 28, it will display a slower speed and less on your trip meter. Although, too many donuts will also slow you down?
With so few miles on your ebike, most likely culprit (for slowing you down) on a FAT tire ebike is a lower tire pressure.
Changed the tire size on my 2018 RadRover from the default of 26 to 28 and now the speed and mileage is nearly spot-on with my Garmin Forerunner GPS.
thanks, i was just in from a short run after setting mine to 28 and it was easy to get it up in the 24+ mph range, been meaning to do a test with gps so i guess that will be next time