I had the exact same experience as
@Deacon Blues , premature wear on the rotor gear due to a lack of factory grease.
But I did change all the gears, and done a "quiet gears" upgrade at the same time.
(I don't really advise others do the "quiet gears" upgrade, its a PITA, requires a new controller and calibrating... this will add a few hundred dollars to your bill. And it doesn't make it THAT much quieter by itself. It still needs grease!)
But yes, even steel gears can wear down in just hundreds of miles without grease.
It may sound silly on a new motor, but for piece of mind open it up and check how much grease is there, and add a generous amount for good measure. Use SHC100 or Cornhead Grease.
It would be worth purchasing the gaskets from GreenBikeKit before you do this in case you break them during the regreasing.
Bafang Ultra M620 G510 motor gasket