Radrover issues...is this normal???

On "average" speed, you're allowing some time for the average speed to drop? If you are, it sounds to me like you need to get back on the phone as 2 of the 3 speed modes are not functioning as they should. This, added to the fact this behavior didn't start until you replaced the controller, is definitely not "normal". If a tech tells you differently, it's time to go up the ladder. Ask for their boss.

At minimum, you want your speedo to read in real time....

It may take a controller AND a display to fix.
On "average" speed, you're allowing some time for the average speed to drop? If you are, it sounds to me like you need to get back on the phone as 2 of the 3 speed modes are not functioning as they should. This, added to the fact this behavior didn't start until you replaced the controller, is definitely not "normal". If a tech tells you differently, it's time to go up the ladder. Ask for their boss.

At minimum, you want your speedo to read in real time....

It may take a controller AND a display to fix.
Thank you for all you input & help.
I have already spoken to management & they are blowing me off like it's normal & nothing to be concerned about.
I just recently asked to speak to someone else higher up in the food chain & still await a response.
As previously mentioned I have already had both controller & display replaced yet the issue still persist?
Coupled with the fact that the battery had to be replaced because of extreamly poor range it leads me to believe the bike was defective upon arrival. Trying to convince rad of this is an entirely difficult & mind numbingly frustrating task.
I will call them everyday if I have to.
I will be sure & post back when I speak with management....today hopefully!
Thanks again for all you help & reassurance that something is just not right with this situation.
Ask them to consider the fact that there could be something wrong with the replacement they sent you. Even if it was "tested" prior to shipping, damage in shipment not unheard of.

As they've replaced this stuff once already, they may feel they've been reasonable trying to help you. Maybe offering to pay the return freight might help get them to cooperate. Or, if it's not a huge inconvenience, offer to send the controller and display back, on your dime, for them to test. Might be a couple of weeks to get it turned around, but riding in many areas this time of year sucks anyway. If it resolves the issue it would be worth it.

If you used Paypal (hopefully) they might intercede on your behalf, for chronic problems since new, still unresolved? I hesitate to drag that option out, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do! Best of luck! -Al
My speedometer has the same issue as yours. (I have a 2018 pre-tariff Rad City). I've learned to simply ignore it huge inaccuracies.
My experience with rad support is mixed. On the good side, they are quick to respond, and will attempt to help you solve your problems, with a notable exception: If the problem costs them money, they will give you the royal run around, and ultimately accuse you of causing the problem (I recently had this experience with them concerning my battery. It gets only about 10 miles at PAS 2. They said I must be charging it wrong. Whatever you say Rad.....)