Rad Rhino just arrived ... big problem


New Member
My Rad Rhino just arrived and I'm estatic , I wasn't going to but having taken it out for it's first spin I'm going to do all the hullabaloo of getting it registered as a moped , I realised everyone looks at it and I've already had 4 comments on it even though it's only done 20km . If people look at it that much you can be sure the cops will to , if only out of curiosity and then they might get a bit hassley (won't have any trouble with local cops but here in Spain if the Guardia Civil get you ... you're doomed ...lol) . The big problem however isn't the matriculation (the paper work in Spain will be historic ) , the problem is I can't get the smile off my face , I haven't enjoyed myself that much on a bike in years and I cycle everywhere. In all the reviews I've seen people comment endlessly on the tyres but for me the riding position is one of the bikes best features ... it's just so comfy . Thanks EBR for bringing this bike to my attention and thanks to everyone at Radpowerbikes Europe ..
Hi Rory375,
Good to hear you enjoy your new ride!
I'm taking mine out thru the desert today. Even out here at the edge of civilization I still get lots of bright eyed inquiries "Is that an electric bike"? LOL
Yes, and right after the "is that an electric bike question", comes the one "how far will it go (on a charge), and "how much did it cost"?
Yes, they will. I lived in Madrid 2 years ago. In Pozuelo, in an American expat complex (urbanizacison). Several other expats had ebikes and the ones that looked beefy were pulled over by the policia.

Funny, I could violate just about every traffic law while driving a rental car, and was pulled over a number of times. My American ID was enough to get me off. The cops would ask for a credit card to pay the ticket on the spot, but if I said I didnt have one and that they had to ticket me, they'd let me go. But for the bikes, I've seen them confiscate, strap those things to the backs of their tiny blue and white hatchbacks and drive off.
Hot babe in Ocean Beach..." is that an electric bike?" "How far will it go on a charge?" "How much did it cost?" "You look sexy on it!" "Do you want to come to my place?"
You are obviously talking about Joan!

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