Hello, I've considered a Rad Rover for a long time. But, the main issue that's held me back was an older YouTube video graphically stating that the Rad Rover's 750 watt motor is built with less power than a typical Bafang motor. Recently I saw another YouTube video where an owner of both bikes compares a Rad Rover to a Himiway Cruiser (this comes right up in a YouTube search). In that video the owner blatantly stated that the Rad Rover had less power (I know that he could be secretly affiliated with Himiway). I love what Rad does as far as accessories. Their racks are amazing. But, I need power for hills. As much power as I can get because I live in and area with very steep inclines. I'd like to know if Rad Rover owners have experienced less power with their bikes in comparison with other 750 watt bikes. Rad Owners, please don't get angry with me. It's an honest question. This is either real, or not.