Rack Attack

Saratoga Dave

Well-Known Member
OK, people, can anyone provide me any guidance here? How in the name of God do you get those damn little plastic plugs out of the mounting bosses to mount a rack? The second photo is what happens when you try to twist, pull or otherwise use a knife and needlenose pliers... you now have a nice boss hole plugged up with whatever this thing is and no way to do anything.

Flame thrower? Machine gun?


Have you tried a pick?

The other thing that is great for that kind of stuff is the tweezers and toothpick on a Swiss Army Knife.
The end of a metal coat hangar?
Very simple, just throwing it out there.
Now you’re talking! I had thought that might be the way to go.

This is a new Yamaha Civante. Yamaha bundles the rack and fender kit together, and happily charges over $200 for it. No fenders here, thanks. The Topeak rack didn’t fit, and now this one also is looking like a poor fit even if I do get these damn plugs out. Loving the new bike, but not sure how to actually carry anything!

Thanks for the inputs, folks. We’ll see how this all shakes out.
OK, people, can anyone provide me any guidance here? How in the name of God do you get those damn little plastic plugs out of the mounting bosses to mount a rack? The second photo is what happens when you try to twist, pull or otherwise use a knife and needlenose pliers... you now have a nice boss hole plugged up with whatever this thing is and no way to do anything.

Flame thrower? Machine gun?

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That or a fork!😎
Thanks BigNerd.

Does the rack pivot to compensate for the angle of the seat post? What do you mean by not heavy? What do you typically carry on this rack?
