Question about range on the 700 with pedaling


New Member
Hey all,

m completely new to ebikes and I'm really looking forward to getting my 700 ST in July! I have questions about range and battery life so I'm hoping y'all can help.

My commute is 17 miles each way, and it's moderately hilly (I'm in Hunterdon County, NJ, if that helps anyone). I'm an experienced cyclist so I plan on pedaling quite a bit: I'm just getting old and I want to arrive at school (and home at the end of the day) with some energy. A big hill at 6AM in January is pretty demoralizing and I'm stoked to finally have a motor on board

Anyway, I know the quoted ranges on the Ride1up website, but I don't exactly know under what conditions they're calculated. Moderate pedaling? No pedaling? Flat Nebraska-type roads or east-coast hills?

If anyone has any input into how much range I can expect under these conditions (rolling hills and pedaling the whole time) I'd appreciate it. What I'm wondering is will I be able to make my 34-mile round trip on a single charge? Perhaps this is an unanswerable question, so if it is please feel free to let me know (and hopefully why it's unanswerable). The website says 30-50 miles, and I guess I'm wondering what conditions would typically yield 30 miles and what condition would typically yield 50.

I'm a small dude, BTW (~150 pounds), not sure if that makes any difference to range at all. Hopefully someone out there rides under similar conditions and can give me some insight.

Thanks in advance,

In my opinion you should have no trouble with your commute. Keep the PAS low and your speed reasonable. I'm sure your light weight will help, I'm 225 and old which causes me to sometimes have to use more PAS. I only have 2-20 mile rides on my new 700 but battery life has been good.
I ride primarily in level 3 PAS and ride in hilly areas. I usually get over 30 miles before I lose my first bar of battery capacity. I don't think the bars are the same though as once you break to the 90% level each following bar goes quicker than the previous one. I have been very pleased with the range I can get on this bike.
I ride primarily in level 3 PAS and ride in hilly areas. I usually get over 30 miles before I lose my first bar of battery capacity. I don't think the bars are the same though as once you break to the 90% level each following bar goes quicker than the previous one. I have been very pleased with the range I can get on this bike.
Thanks, that's really encouraging! I can't wait to get the bike and put some miles on it. Appreciate the help!

Speed kills range. If you intend to ride as much as you can at 28mph, you'll get the low end of the range. Just like driving a car for higher mileage, the same goes for batteries and bicycles.
Speed kills range. If you intend to ride as much as you can at 28mph, you'll get the low end of the range. Just like driving a car for higher mileage, the same goes for batteries and bicycles.
When I'm in good shape, I can average 15 MPH over the 17-mile commute on my flat-bar road bike. That's working pretty hard, actually, because there's a big hill at the end. I'm hoping with the 700 that I can up that speed to 20 MPH (with pedaling) and do it with significantly less effort and, ideally, one charge for the 34-mile round trip. That may be reasonable and it may be unreasonable with the 700, I'll have to see.
Getting a second charger is a good idea. I'll add that to my list of purchases!

I think I'm just having the expectant-dad jitters, and when I actually get the bike I'll calmly work my way through all these details. It's rough to have to wait more than a month for the bike to show up!

Thanks again,

Did a 32+ mile / 1900ft elevation gain ride yesterday starting with a 100% charged battery and in PAS 3 the entire time. Dropped to 90% level right at 29 miles. Though I am pretty sure 90% on the display really equates to something like 50% or less actual charge in the battery. I had a good head wind most of the ride as well. I weigh aprox 180 pounds.
Even if you were at 50% battery after 29 miles, that's really great range. And 14.5 MPH with 1900 feet of climbing and a headwind is fast on a 60 pound bike! I imagine that even on my laziest of rides I'll be able to make it to school and back on one charge. Really looking forward to getting mine and getting on the road.