Prodigy battery test.


Well-Known Member
Has anyone found a place where one can test the actual voltage on the Prodigy battery. I would like to test the voltage against the display to verify that I am truly charging between 50 and 80 percent by voltage. The Prodigy display does give the percentage and there is also a bar graph but from what is written these kind of readouts are notoriously incorrect. I just want to verify for a benchmark on my display that corresponds with voltage so I know when to charge and when to stop by the display without having to have a volt meter connected while charging..
I used to own a Lectric XP, considered a very low end "entry" eBike...and it had a voltage readout with 3 clicks of the middle button. I'm talking the actual voltage of the battery in real time anytime you wanted it. I used it all the time to know at any moment the exact % of battery charged using a simple voltage vs. % battery chart I posted right on my bike. Then I bought what I thought was an upgrade with the Ride1Up Core 5 and their support people when asked about this emailed me back.... "just use the battery indicator lights (blue/green/red) to figure out the % voltage. WFT guys...come on.
I found I can test the battery voltage on my Prodigy by first turning on the display and then probing the charge port terminals with your voltage meter. The display has to be on or there is no power at the charging port. I suspect it is a safety thing in case someone sticks something metal in the charge port shorting it out. Da. Children do the darnest things.
The idea that a manufacturer tells you to keep the battery voltage within a certain range for best battery longevity is great legal talk to cover themselves...but gives you no way to see the ACTUAL voltage in real time without hooking up a volt frankly, pretty bush league. My old $900 eBike had a voltage readout with the press of the menu button. Given that a replacement battery is very expensive (on the Core-5, its almost 50% the cost of the bike), perhaps the real genius in this approach is to sell you another battery sooner rather than later.