Problem with latest firmware update


Have a Quick E+. Today I connected to the Ridecontrol App and was advised that I needed to update firmware. The update seemed to go fine. However, I can no longer turn on the lights. Anyone with similar experience?
I got the same message on my Explorer yesterday when I tried the App for the first time and I said screw it.
Have a Quick E+. Today I connected to the Ridecontrol App and was advised that I needed to update firmware. The update seemed to go fine. However, I can no longer turn on the lights. Anyone with similar experience?
The way Giant has changed the light operation is really annoying! With the new firmware the lights no longer come on when you turn on the power. And if you simply click the light button, the display (at least with the EVO display I have) cycles between bright, dim and off. You need to hold down the light switch button in order to turn on the lights now.

I for one, like to ride my bike with the lights always on, to make myself more visible to others, and it's really annoying that now I have to always remember to turn them on. SIGH
I tried out the suggestion to hold down the light button to turn on the lights. It seems to require that you depress the button for 3 seconds or so before the lights come on. I quite agree with Mtl_Biker that I prefer to ride with the lights always on, and would much prefer that the lights automatically turn on when you power up the bike.

Is there a way that we can funnel feedback to Giant for items like this?
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It appears there is a new firmware available but only dealer install at present, no info on what this fixes exactly but believe it fixes Auto mode to work as expected (varies power assist levels)
Version 1.4.4 just landed on Apple app store.
"Oops! We made a little mistake in the last update. Although we improved access to your Smart Assist Mode we accidentally changed how the Smart Assist worked. This update will allow you to update your bike and fix the algorithms of you Smart Assist Mode. You can still find the Smart Assist mode by holding UP or DOWN button."

My 2019 doesn't have smart assist so I cannot verify.

This version fixed the crash with ios 13.5 that I was having.
Does Smart Assist Mode affect battery usage ?

In any case , the latest update seems to have improved climbing .
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Just got this update yesterday when I used the bike app. A huge difference now in Smart assist mode. Almost no need to pedal at all! I guess it will eat up the battery faster. Feels like “Sport” mode now.
I read elsewhere this has been addressed and corrected with a new update release in just the last couple of days. 👍
Just checked all three of my 2019 models and they all show 'up to date'. So its for the later auto-mode updates only.
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Indeed it is. I felt a bit embarrassed using it, since I felt I was getting no excercise with the bike shooting up steep slopes with hardly any pedal pressure!
Indeed it is. I felt a bit embarrassed using it, since I felt I was getting no excercise with the bike shooting up steep slopes with hardly any pedal pressure!
I tried the new firmware today. I purposely picked one of my hillier routes for my test. Finally, the auto setting responds to hills and is not restricted to just the first and 2nd levels of assist. On my steeper sections I was in at least the 4th level and perhaps in to the fifth level. But as you say it works so well that the bike does most of the work, great if you are having a rough day but otherwise reduces your fitness benefit substantially.

This is certainly a superior firmware upgrade.

But...(there's always a but) I found that in the new auto that there is a slight surge in power. I noticed this on flat ground and on steeper hills of a constant grade. Its subtle but a bit disconcerting, sort of like the controller is trying to figure out the appropriate level of assist and never quite comes to a decision. I normally have a cadence of about 85rpm but found that the new auto has me pedalling at closer to 95rpm.

This was a fairly short ride but I found that auto consumed ~30% more battery than my normal non-auto ride.

This is certainly an encouraging improvement but I think I will go back to non auto tomorrow, that surging was too distracting for me.
I’m sure I’ll be using non-auto mostly too to get some excercise and save battery, but the auto will be good for difficult and strenuous sections where I don’t want to be fiddling with manual switching.
I managed to damage the chain with the new auto mode yesterday. The chain was due for replecament anyway but I'm waiting for the replacement cassette and chainring.

The problem was that when I started pedaling I shifted from 7h to 6h gear but the auto mode decided to change to full power at that instant. The high power caused two links on the chain to lock together. Then I had the chain skipping all the way to home.

Usually I ride in 1 to 3 assist and go to 5 only in climbs but I only do that after I shifted to lower gears. The auto mode can switch to 5 when you wouldn't want to in between the shifting.
I tried the new firmware today. I purposely picked one of my hillier routes for my test. Finally, the auto setting responds to hills and is not restricted to just the first and 2nd levels of assist. On my steeper sections I was in at least the 4th level and perhaps in to the fifth level. But as you say it works so well that the bike does most of the work, great if you are having a rough day but otherwise reduces your fitness benefit substantially.

This is certainly a superior firmware upgrade.

But...(there's always a but) I found that in the new auto that there is a slight surge in power. I noticed this on flat ground and on steeper hills of a constant grade. Its subtle but a bit disconcerting, sort of like the controller is trying to figure out the appropriate level of assist and never quite comes to a decision. I normally have a cadence of about 85rpm but found that the new auto has me pedalling at closer to 95rpm.

This was a fairly short ride but I found that auto consumed ~30% more battery than my normal non-auto ride.

This is certainly an encouraging improvement but I think I will go back to non auto tomorrow, that surging was too distracting for me.

Thanks for confirming the surging .
It’s a bit like the surge on some rear hubs . :(
But the climbing ability ; wow !
And , when it’s not doing the surge thing , pedaling is very natural .
I managed to damage the chain with the new auto mode yesterday. The chain was due for replecament anyway but I'm waiting for the replacement cassette and chainring.

The problem was that when I started pedaling I shifted from 7h to 6h gear but the auto mode decided to change to full power at that instant. The high power caused two links on the chain to lock together. Then I had the chain skipping all the way to home.

Usually I ride in 1 to 3 assist and go to 5 only in climbs but I only do that after I shifted to lower gears. The auto mode can switch to 5 when you wouldn't want to in between the shifting.

Ah, not good. You should back off pedalling power slightly before you shift though.

BTW. Auto mode only selects between 1 and 4, 5 is only selectable manually.
Ah, not good. You should back off pedalling power slightly before you shift though.

BTW. Auto mode only selects between 1 and 4, 5 is only selectable manually.

Interesting. Didn’t know what levels Auto was selecting. Feels very strong up hills, so thought it was reaching 5 ...