So I just took the bike to my first morning commute to work. around 5 miles. few tiny hills, but other than that just straight road.
- The power - this is of course the main reason why everyone bought this bike. it's very easy to get to 30mph, with little extra effort to 31 or 32. I am in good shape, active sports guy.
- Gearing - really well geared, even at the highest speeds there is still a lot of resistance and it feels good
- Weight - honestly I though this thing would be way heavier than it is
- Agility - I think it's more agile than RadRover, easier to turn in curves
- Geometry - I really don't like it. I feel I am way too stretched to reach handlebars.
- Stem and Handlebars - very connected to the geometry point. This bike deserves better stem to hold the handlebars, it's the first thing I am going to change. Also the handlebars should be wider. I just don't like my position on this bike, it does not feel natural. (I am 6'2 and have the XL frame)
- Low speed motor hiccups - at very low speeds the motor makes weird sounds and just does not pull properly. Keeps lagging, etc. Happened to me only once though.