Leila gray
New Member
Hello, I have asked flykly that question and they ignore me! I bought the 28 inch wheel motor thing a year ago now and I've tried three bicycles by the mail, All Schwinn, all 28 inch 700 CC, and one time because of the derailleur that scraped on the motor and wouldn't let it turn that didn't work, and another time the metal little thing on the bike that goes around the wheel part was too small. So I'm very disappointed with fly kly for making it sound like it's so easy to find the bicycle that it's motor will fit on. Please if any of you have the 28-inch flyk ly please tell me which bicycle you have. I simply need to know one bicycle that this thing will fit for sure so I can buy it online. I'm not near any bicycle shops I live in a small town and I am disabled I can't travel. Thank you so so so very much for your help, I finally want to be able to use my motor! I live in an area with tons of Hills that I always have to walk up