Physical size of battery that fits the Portola folding e-bike


Hello. Potential future buyer of two Portola folding e-bikes. I realize I can contact Ride 1up and ask this question however, can any owner give us the dimensions of the battery so I can buy a padded bag to transport the spare(s) on our bikes. Is the long range battery the same physical size as the regular battery ? Any recommendations to carry spare battery other than just strapping to the rear luggage rack ? I’m not beyond building a specific clamping/ holder/ device. Thanks for your replies.
The Portola battery appears to be similar to the 700 series:

13.5"L x 2.9"W x 3.8"W

In addition to padding, I recommend a hard shell case for added protection, such as this one:


It will accept a battery up to around 17" long, which should be more than adequate for the Portola.
Thanks. I already bought a case/ bag like the above post. So no matter what e-bike end up with, I will be able to transport an extra battery. Thanks