Petite rider ISO basic, lightweight ride

Another biker my size, and our best loved bikes may be the same ones too! Mine is a Trek 520 Touring bike. You mentioned height but not inseam. Although we are the same height, proportions can make a big difference. I have a short inseam and long torso, they say that women all have long legs and shorter torsos. Of the bikes on your list, I have only tried the gazelle Medeo T9, both the midstep (it's not a true step through) and closed frame. With my approximately 27.5" inseam, I could stand over the mid-step but didn't really have comfortable clearance. The bike rode nicely though, and the stem is adjustable so that you can get more stretch forward in position.
I'm curious that you haven't considered any of the Trek models. They are the only company I have found that has XS frames, similar to my old road bike.
I don't know about the Tero, but the Specialized Turbo Vado so-called step-through is actually a mid-step. that curved top tube in a small was pressed tightly against my crotch and pubic bone. Again, depends on your inseam.

Keep us posted on your search; I'm really interested in how you find the bikes you try! And good luck.
What year is your Trek 520?
If you scroll down a bit in the thread, you'll see some short reviews of the bikes I took on test rides, and the one I ended up with (Kona DEW-E DL in small)! You may see a bit more in there about fit (and I tried out bikes that weren't on the original list) if you're still on the hunt.
I originally wanted a bike with an easily removable battery, and this was not an option on the Trek models I was considering otherwise --- I was planning to stop at a local Trek shop later on, anyway, but found a bike I was really happy with at a good price before I made it there.
My inseam is actually a hair shorter than yours --- and I would have liked a bit more clearance from the top tube (depending on what I'm wearing, since this is my commuter), but it works. I know all too well there aren't many options out there with good standover clearance. I made it harder for myself because I did NOT want anything with cruiser geometry; I loathe riding upright, and most of the e-bikes out there for very short people (or very short inseam anyway) assume that's what you're after.
The real lesson here though is try before you buy if you can; I hadn't even considered a Kona, but the LBS recommended, and ultimately it was a great fit for my needs. Other bikes I thought I would like (looking at specs and reviews) didn't work for one reason or another in person.
I'd also add, no bike is perfect until you make it your own, and aftermarket adjustments can go a long way if there is something easy-ish to upgrade. I swapped out the grips for more ergo option (PDW's Cork Chops) and added SQlab Innerbarends since I'm used to dropbars.
I also ended up with a Kona Dew-e DL (size small) after a search that showed me quickly how difficult finding a decent e-bike for those of us with short inseams can be, unless we want a heavy cargo/city bike with 20" wheels, which I did not. I am 5'1" with a 28" cycling inseam. I love my Kona, but now I am in the hunt for a lighter e-road bike with drop bars, as the flat bars and thumb shifter are hard on my hands (will look into the aftermarket adjustments you made, though, as I plan to keep the Kona as a utility/errand bike). But I want a Class 3 to keep up better with my very speedy husband, who doesn't even ride a e-bike but can still smoke me most of the time!
My partner likes to pull away at exactly 21mph when we ride together, just to be a smartass. 😅 One day, I may too have to make the upgrade!
I also ended up with a Kona Dew-e DL (size small) after a search that showed me quickly how difficult finding a decent e-bike for those of us with short inseams can be, unless we want a heavy cargo/city bike with 20" wheels, which I did not. I am 5'1" with a 28" cycling inseam. I love my Kona, but now I am in the hunt for a lighter e-road bike with drop bars, as the flat bars and thumb shifter are hard on my hands (will look into the aftermarket adjustments you made, though, as I plan to keep the Kona as a utility/errand bike). But I want a Class 3 to keep up better with my very speedy husband, who doesn't even ride a e-bike but can still smoke me most of the time!
have you ridden a size 49 creo 2 or scott solace? ought to be a good fit for a 5 foot-ish rider. a few of my cycling friends have similar dimensions and ride +/- 49cm frames. both are pretty light, class 3!