This is a heads up for anyone that has a 2020 Yamaha Moro or equivalent display. I purchased a PearTune MSO Yamaha PW-X/SE/TE/ST/X2 off Ebay after specifically asking Kat if it will work. I was told it would, turns out it doesn’t ! The problem is with the connectors. There are four sets of connectors that are supposed to be plug n play, the two wire white connector is hooked up to the hub speed drive plugs. This works fine, but when you look for the gray 5 wire plug that comes from the display it’s not there anywhere !! I told Kat about this and he said he has never seen such connectors before. I was told to look harder so I started to pull the wire that has a black connector leading up to the display, that was a mistake. There was another connector about halfway up the frame that pulled apart as I was trying to fish it out. Finally I got it and it’s totally wrong as well. I had a heck of a time refishing it back through the frame I ended up pulling the dropper cable way back and 2hrs later it was back in place. I installed some shrink tube on the connector just incase. So here I am with my brand spanking new Moro Pro in pieces and no joy. I have contacted Kat further and have asked for a refund... Don’t buy this set up for your 2020 Yamaha branded bike, it will Not work.
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