PAS Levels and Throttle


Is there anyway you can program the controller on my new 2.0 to limit throttle speed to match PAS levels? This XP 2.0 is for my wife so it scares her when the throttle accelerates past the PAS level she is set on but she still wants to user the throttle at times. I can disable the throttle easily but it would be nice if the PAS level max speed could match the throttle max speed per level.
No setting by PAS level but there is a max overall speed limiter setting. I've attached a list of all settings. You want to change the P08 to the highest speed your wife is comfortable with. Not a perfect solution but I started my wife with a max 10mph (16kph) then added a little over time as she got used to it.


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My Nakto Bright GGs throttle is controled by the PAS. Level #1=0-9mph, #2=0-10mph, #3=0-11mph, #4=0-13mph and #5=0-23mph.