Curious about thoughts on NCM Moscow Plus versus Trek Allant 7. I am considering a mid drive. Most important issue concerns hill climbing. On one hill that I have to cover each ride, the length is one km (about .6 mile) with an approximate 45 degree slope. On the steepest section (about 100 feet, I can only reach around 10 KPH (6 mph) on my Moscow plus I have heard tha a mid drive motor will be able to easily surpass that speed.
Curious about thoughts on NCM Moscow Plus versus Trek Allant 7. I am considering a mid drive. Most important issue concerns hill climbing. On one hill that I have to cover each ride, the length is one km (about .6 mile) with an approximate 45 degree slope. On the steepest section (about 100 feet, I can only reach around 10 KPH (6 mph) on my Moscow plus I have heard tha a mid drive motor will be able to easily surpass that speed.