ODK V3 Accessories


New Member
Just recently bought a ODK as a car replacement in LA. There's a couple accessories I wanted to buy but that are out of stock from the JR store(front basket & passenger kit). I know the supply is a bit sporadic since it's still a startup, but I was hoping others might have found some alternatives since I'm not sure when they'll be back in stock.

For the front I'm ok to any basket/rack solution since I mainly plan to use it as lightweight storage, but most seem to be handlebar mounted which I feel like might affect the handling.

For the passenger kit, I plan to buy the Xtracycle Magic Carpet for the cushion, but can't find a good solution for the running boards/foot rests.

For the rear, I plan to get Wald folding baskets so that I can fold them down if there's a passenger.

What cool accessories do people have? :)
Just received my Juiced ODK 500 and overall I am very impressed with the components and build quality, especially for the price. However, I am concerned about how exposed and vulnerable the power cable seems to be. Does anyone know of a solution to protect this area?