(Odd request) Is there a non-bluetooth battery for the Turbo Levo?


New Member
Is there a way to either turn off the bluetooth functionality or can I use a battery that doesn't have bluetooth?

I recently discovered that I have a bad reaction whenever I'm exposed to electromagnetic radiation, or RF radiation, which is emitted by all of our wireless technology e.g. WiFi, Cell phones, Cordless Phones, Bluetooth etc. It makes me feel tired, sick, gives me heachaches, and I only recently worked this all because I was using a bluetooth headset that felt like it was frying my brain.

Anyway I now have a meter that can measure emf radiation which gives an audio and visual readout and I discovered that the bluetooth, which is located inside the battery, on the Levo, is constantly emitting and can't be turned off.

I know this is unlikely to affect anyone but me but I would be thankful if you have any ideas!

No there are only 2 batteries for the Levo and they both have bluetooth. Does anyone know if a Specialized engineer/mechanic could turn it off in the hardware settings? If so I would gladly send my battery off/order one without bluetooth.

My only other option is to block the signal by wrapping the battery in a radiation shielding fabric, however the bluetooth antenna is located right near the power connector so im not sure how to cover the whole antenna and still allow the battery to connect to the bike's power.
Did you ever find a solution or use a quick fix for your bluetooth problem? It seems like bluetooth is unavoidable except with cheap e-bikes.