Noisy when not pedalling


New Member
United Kingdom
I have just bought a Mixte with Rohloff E14 hub. First 10 miles experience… Although it is silent when pedalling, as soon as I am in higher gears, mainly 7 upwards, and stop pedalling, it makes a high ticking noise. Seven downwards as soon as stop pedalling it makes 1 second of the ticking noise and stops, which I think how it should be. I called the dealer and they said Rohloff would make noise in certain gears… It is annoying though especially riding in quieter countryside roads in high gears down not pedalling would scare everything around me with that noise… Is this normal or is my bike set up incorrectly?
I have just bought a Mixte with Rohloff E14 hub. First 10 miles experience… Although it is silent when pedalling, as soon as I am in higher gears, mainly 7 upwards, and stop pedalling, it makes a high ticking noise. Seven downwards as soon as stop pedalling it makes 1 second of the ticking noise and stops, which I think how it should be. I called the dealer and they said Rohloff would make noise in certain gears… It is annoying though especially riding in quieter countryside roads in high gears down not pedalling would scare everything around me with that noise… Is this normal or is my bike set up incorrectly?
It's normal behavior for the Rohloff. It has to do with how the gearing system works in gears 1-7 vs 8-14. Here's a great video on it

:edit: I misread the part where it's noisier in the higher gears while coasting. The above info refers to behavior while pedaling in lower gears.
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Gears 1-7 are noisier when pedalling, but more silent coasting. Gears 8-14 are noisier when coasting, more silent when pedalling. What you describe sounds like mine, so I assume it is “normal”.