No throttle and no way home today... :(


Well-Known Member
For all you guys that dont like throttles i am kicking myself today for not getting the bike shop to go ahead and swap the controller and wiring on the tern bike so it had throttle

wanted to try out some miles on the new igh and 10 miles from home felt the right hand pedal acting funny, it is halfway backed out and probably chewed up the pedal arm...

shop probably had the pedal arm off for the igh?? but not sure why the pedal would have been removed??? Either way because there was no throttle on the bike i could not get home

no uber drivers around at all, was about to call AAA but some good samaritans with a pickup stopped and asked if i needed help , they gave me a ride home

the wiring harness is slightly too big so will have to be cut/spliced to change it out , that is the only reason the it was not changed already
need to get started on that project asap
Never fun when your stuck out on the road! I had a Rad in the past with a throttle but find my self using the throttle more than pedaling. Kind of miss the bike now and then. It was a fun bike for short trips around town.
I am the opposite, pedal all the time and use my throttle only to slightly get a heavy bike going or when i need just a little more power on a hill for the next 20 feet

or in this kind of situation where it would have been really nice to get home under my own power... :(
True, this bike will have one as soon as i can find someone to solder the super thin wires when we cut the harness to get it through the frame..
this is an m400 and the throttle wont start until you hit 6mph but that would have been ok in this situation
I still miss a throttle sometimes. Even though I rarely used it it was there when needed. Like when it's raining buckets. Rain, wet pants and huffing pedals is not fun. And if I bonk out. It happens from it getting to hot outside or heavy headwinds. I still have no regrets buying a ebike without a throttle only because I'll never ride it to work. A 14 mile commute one way would take way to long on my Class 1 ebike. I've never seen 20mph no matter how hard or fast I pedal. If I buy another ebike for commuting it will have a throttle and be a Class 3.
it was not a lack of throttle that was the issue it was a bad mechanic/bike shop that was the issue. a throttle is not going to save you no matter what.
Throttle & hub motor gets you home if chain falls off or master link clip pops loose, pedal falls out or breaks, crank falls off or breaks, crank bearing retainer falls out, PAS pickup snags a stick or grass stem, shifter sticks in granny gear. I've had the last for a month. Replaced the derailleur & shifter last week, no improvement. Ordering a cable housing today. 30 miles at 2 mph would be 15 hours. I could walk faster. No, the bike won't fit in the wife's car. No smart phone, no uber. **** *****!
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Throttle gets you home if chain falls off or master link clip pops loose, pedal falls out or breaks, crank falls off or breaks, crank bearing retainer falls out, shifter sticks in granny gear. I've had the last for a month. Replaced the derailleur & shifter last week, no improvement. Ordering a cable housing today. 30 miles at 2 mph would be 15 hours. I could walk faster. No, the bike won't fit in the wife's car. No smart phone, no uber. **** *****!
so bad maintenance you need a throttle :D I ahve pickup service with the bike insurance of course the time I needed it I couldn't to find the info to call them.
This bike has 130 miles on it, doesn’t need any maintenance yet
Yes something got screwed up somewhere but that is life and things are always going to happen
Shops screw up, things break etc
Does not really matter how it happens the fact remains my life would have been easier if the throttle was on the bike and no disadvantage to having it on there
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so bad maintenance you need a throttle
Stick bending the PAS pickup or bending derailleur is bad maintenance? I've had both. You ride on a tundra? Our city, people pile sticks in the bike path up to 6 days before garbage day.
As far as pickup, I've waved $50 bill at twenty pickups when pushing a bike with a blown tire with 60 lb groceries. 7 mile push at 95 degrees.
this bike has 130 miles on it,
Your e-bike broke only after 130 miles ridden?

I rode my Vado SL for 72.6 km (45 mi) to my Specialized LBS after 8 days of riding the e-bike for 153 miles only to ask them to stamp my warranty card :D


First 8 days on Vado SL.
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At my LBS, a 100 mile checkup is included in a purchase. The first checkup is critical to check fasteners. Curious that you say 130 miles is not time for a check, and it's after a pedal came loose.
Agree on the 100 mile check up although I never do them on my bikes and never had a problem
And have never had a pedal back out on me like this

I write these posts knowing these guys will chime in and imply throttles are dumb etc but the posts are not for them, they are for newbies to get another perspective if they do a search for throttles
I personally could care less what any of these guys think, have owned a lot of bikes and ridden a decent amount of miles and am confident that having a throttle available to use is always better than not - definitely is for me
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Where is there any difference to throttle haters and throttle lovers? It's called personal preference and should absolutely not be focused on as a point of division or calling the ones that don't agree with you as haters.
not hating throttles I had one once. but its like throttles will fix anything sometimes. as to what you wont get with a throttle is a is a big brand bike with its support and sometimes quality.
I jsut got mine in after 1000 miles. slacker.
In Europe, you need to visit your LBS for obligatory check-up of your bike after having ridden 200-300 km or within 6 months (whichever comes first). Then you get your warranty validated. I have never needed to actually use my warranty for Vado SL. I used the warranty for the "big" Vado to get a free overhaul of electronics 2017 -> 2020.
You can bash throttles all you want but mine has gotten me home twice so far. Once with a medical issue and the other with a busted derailleur hanger. Both were in very remote locations with no cell service. No bad maintenance involved, accidents happen. This is the primary reason I bought a class 2 bike. I would never own one without a throttle.
You can bash throttles all you want but mine has gotten me home twice so far. Once with a medical issue and the other with a busted derailleur hanger. Both were in very remote locations with no cell service. No bad maintenance involved, accidents happen. This is the primary reason I bought a class 2 bike. I would never own one without a throttle.
I was kinda trying to be nice and defuse another hater post, but if prefer to extend it, here's another perspective. The furthest I was ever stranded was with a hall sensor failure on a throttle single speed fat bike on a horribly hot day, on a remote rail trail. I was almost dead when I got to a little town so my wife could pick me up. All water was gone and my legs were shot. Throttles are not the fix all, you can still be stranded.