NH ebike trail ban bill.

yes, really. i rarely see anyone riding like a dick - tens of thousands of miles of riding - but when i do, it’s someone on an e-bike on a trail/MUP/bike lane. maybe the west coast is different, but same thing when i rode in new york city. ridiculous number of scrambler e-bike delivery people literally going the wrong direction in the bike lane.

it’s physics. when you build the momentum yourself, all the stops and starts caused by other people on a shared path are WAY more troublesome than throttling back up on an e-bike. so you ride on the road, to not waste all that energy. let alone the fact that 90% of the population of the united states probably isn’t even capable of riding a bicycle at a steady 20mph for more than a few minutes, let alone up a hill.

there’s a reason nearly nobody cared about how fast bikes go before e-bikes. for decades. because they didn’t go very fast and when they did it was on roads with cars going twice as fast.
The dick roadies are so at any speed.... Period.
They ride as if they own the path because they're taking part in a legitimate sport. I live in a densely populated suburb of NY and the streets here are far more dangerous so they try to take over the mup. So my experience is what I said it is and it's not some jealousy or tribal bs that you spew. Around here between them and the many no pedal 2 wheel vehicles such as gas and electric scooters, mopeds and such on the path... this conscientious ebike rider is tempted to go postal one Saturday morning.
It’s tricky full stop riding on trails, paths or even small quiet roads. I ride both a low powered ebike & an ordinary bike and have had problems with both. If I’m coming up behind pedestrians who clearly haven’t heard me and I ring my bell I often get dirty looks for causing them to move aside to let me pass. Desire my cheery “thanks!” But if they don’t hear me I can startle them and so get angry dirty looks. I even got shouted at by a woman once for having my front light on in daytime. “Turn that damned light off!” I thought about that one a lot and think it was my presence disturbing her quiet walk, the bright light being something symptomatic of my mechanical passage past her and spoiling her countryside idyll. It was also too complicated & long winded to tell her my e bike light is permanently on as a safety feature!

I think in the U.K. and perhaps other countries, there is a snooty part of the population who has never cycled, never will cycle and so anything on bikes offends them. Backed for decades by right wing papers like the daily mail who’ve always had a vendetta against cycling as something un-English and clearly part of left wing flat cap working men socialist subversive plots!

And now with these boring made up culture wars, cycling again seems to be on the front lines.

Cycling in whatever form is such a simple joyous activity it’s a shame it’s treated by the ignorant this way. But then again, it’s their loss.
It’s tricky full stop riding on trails, paths or even small quiet roads. I ride both a low powered ebike & an ordinary bike and have had problems with both. If I’m coming up behind pedestrians who clearly haven’t heard me and I ring my bell I often get dirty looks for causing them to move aside to let me pass. Desire my cheery “thanks!” But if they don’t hear me I can startle them and so get angry dirty looks. I even got shouted at by a woman once for having my front light on in daytime. “Turn that damned light off!” I thought about that one a lot and think it was my presence disturbing her quiet walk, the bright light being something symptomatic of my mechanical passage past her and spoiling her countryside idyll. It was also too complicated & long winded to tell her my e bike light is permanently on as a safety feature!

I think in the U.K. and perhaps other countries, there is a snooty part of the population who has never cycled, never will cycle and so anything on bikes offends them. Backed for decades by right wing papers like the daily mail who’ve always had a vendetta against cycling as something un-English and clearly part of left wing flat cap working men socialist subversive plots!

And now with these boring made up culture wars, cycling again seems to be on the front lines.

Cycling in whatever form is such a simple joyous activity it’s a shame it’s treated by the ignorant this way. But then again, it’s their loss.
Yes, the are an awful lot of upper middle class who see the bicycle as ruffians transport and are seething that they are allowed in bridleways where they like to take their dogs and esmereldas new horse.

They look at you like you have just stolen it and are hell bent on mugging them for their Rolex.
Sorry to read about the NH change for those that are affected. I ride in NH once in a blue moon, will start with ignorance if stopped for infraction.

Also sorry to read about conflicts between E and Analog riders. I have never witnessed this in the Midwest. Many years ago I was a "pack analog rider"; we never rode anything but roads. When not with the "pack", as today, I primarily rode rail trails and MUP. I have never seen a "pack" on a trail or MUP.

Glad the a-holes stay out of the Midwest.
… I have never witnessed this in the Midwest. Many years ago I was a "pack analog rider"; we never rode anything but roads. When not with the "pack", as today, I primarily rode rail trails and MUP. I have never seen a "pack" on a trail or MUP.

Glad the a-holes stay out of the Midwest.

they stay out of everywhere except a few very, very specific places, apparently!
I've owned homes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Oregon and Washington - must have been lucky.
Horse riders I've come across on trails have been friendly and considerate, I usually stop and get off my bike going past on narrow trails. Horses usually have right of way for good reason and it is just common courtesy. Similar with dogs, I slow down or stop if needed, sometimes to talk with the owner and pet the dog. I'm out to have a good time and get some exercise, not to create conflict.
Sorry to read about the NH change for those that are affected. I ride in NH once in a blue moon, will start with ignorance if stopped for infraction.

Also sorry to read about conflicts between E and Analog riders. I have never witnessed this in the Midwest. Many years ago I was a "pack analog rider"; we never rode anything but roads. When not with the "pack", as today, I primarily rode rail trails and MUP. I have never seen a "pack" on a trail or MUP.

Glad the a-holes stay out of the Midwest.
Space is everything.
Density will typically enhance everything... From being an asshole to higher education.
This can be proven by looking at an national election map.
The exceptions are in very, very, very, few places, obviously.
My bike can exceed the speed limit, but in the rare occasions I mix with the public, I ride like a grandad, I'm old, I have no desire and its electric, I have nothing to prove.

Its mostly the timeless change of priorities and awareness that age brings.
Reckless youth morphs into safety conscious.
Not for myself of course.
I worry about everyone else.
My bike can exceed the speed limit, but in the rare occasions I mix with the public, I ride like a grandad, I'm old, I have no desire and its electric, I have nothing to prove.

Its mostly the timeless change of priorities and awareness that age brings.
Reckless youth morphs into safety conscious.
Not for myself of course.
I worry about everyone else.
I'm with you on that... well most of the time.
In my area there still aren't enough ebikes to really be an issue. And the few of us that are... We're typically older and just looking for a little assistance to be able to ride a little longer, not faster. Most of the young here don't want to deal with pedals at all and opt for scooters and affordable mopeds and travel at ridiculous and reckless speeds. But the arrogance and entitlement displayed by I'd say about 20% of the roadies I encountere is just as dangerous and frustrating.
I'm lucky in that I can ride at off hours on the mup and can typically avoid most of bs.
New Hampshire suck like a Hoover.
I would ride like an outlaw. They not have enough park ranger and state trooper to enforce such limits. It is bogus .
Yes, the are an awful lot of upper middle class who see the bicycle as ruffians transport and are seething that they are allowed in bridleways where they like to take their dogs and esmereldas new horse.

They look at you like you have just stolen it and are hell bent on mugging them for their Rolex.
Haha! Exactly.
My brother has a house right on the Northern Rail Trail near Enfield. Omer and Bob’s is a very popular Specialized dealer close by in Lebanon and there are a hell of a lot of ebikes on that trail, ridden by mostly middle aged types and old bastards like myself. I’ve ridden it many times and never not seen plenty of em. This law was written by an uninformed idiot and will hopefully not survive any public hearing in the Live Free Or Die state.
Coming soon, to a trail or MUP in your area:

Screenshot (55).jpg
Its a bit early to clutch your pearls and run around shrieking with your hair on fire.

Anyone in any legislature can submit a bill. It then has to pass both houses of the legislature, and further has to be signed by the governor (typically the governor can let the bill sit without vetoing it, and it will become law without a signature).

And before all of that happens, the bill has to go into committee and the chair of the relevant committee has to let it get voted on to get out of committee (assuming it passes that vote) so all of the above can happen.

This bill hasn't even got past the initial Public Hearing phase, which is before all of the above can happen.

Recently in California, some busybody introduced legislation proposing the ban of youth football. That got a lot of media attention, and the governor here came flat out and said he would veto it if it got as far as his desk, so don't bother.
Its a bit early to clutch your pearls and run around shrieking with your hair on fire.

Anyone in any legislature can submit a bill. It then has to pass both houses of the legislature, and further has to be signed by the governor (typically the governor can let the bill sit without vetoing it, and it will become law without a signature).

And before all of that happens, the bill has to go into committee and the chair of the relevant committee has to let it get voted on to get out of committee (assuming it passes that vote) so all of the above can happen.

This bill hasn't even got past the initial Public Hearing phase, which is before all of the above can happen.

Recently in California, some busybody introduced legislation proposing the ban of youth football. That got a lot of media attention, and the governor here came flat out and said he would veto it if it got as far as his desk, so don't bother.
Very good points. Well stated.

I live about an hour and change west of the Northern Rail Trail so I'm curious to see if this proposal gains traction.

Several months ago on a community FB forum a local citizen was ranting about a jackass riding around a local hiking preserve on an "e-bike". His points were well taken, except the entitled jerk was not on an e-bike. I know that because I spotted the rider myself, as I hike with my dog at this preserve practically on a daily basis. The aforementioned jackass was on a gas powered motor cycle of sorts, and I spotted him again doing wheelies through town. My blood boiled as much as the neighbor that posted originally, but his e-bike claim wasn't corrected until I did so myself several days later.

Unfortunately, these misidentified "e-bike" assertions are not at all uncommon, and chances are this legislative NH proposal stems from the same kind of ignorance. I'll admit that one reason (although not the primary one) I never engage a throttle is self-consciousness. I don't want to be painted with the Moped/motor scooter/motorcycle brush, especially on trails where they are prohibited.
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Its a bit early to clutch your pearls and run around shrieking with your hair on fire.

Anyone in any legislature can submit a bill. It then has to pass both houses of the legislature, and further has to be signed by the governor (typically the governor can let the bill sit without vetoing it, and it will become law without a signature).

And before all of that happens, the bill has to go into committee and the chair of the relevant committee has to let it get voted on to get out of committee (assuming it passes that vote) so all of the above can happen.

This bill hasn't even got past the initial Public Hearing phase, which is before all of the above can happen.

Recently in California, some busybody introduced legislation proposing the ban of youth football. That got a lot of media attention, and the governor here came flat out and said he would veto it if it got as far as his desk, so don't bother.
Absolutely correct. This is not a law and it is not even out of committee yet. I don’t know what this guy’s problem is, but we don’t have a King or a dictator in New Hampshire, so I doubt that this bill will advance. The bill also requires a functioning brake light, a headlight that illuminates 200’ and no person under 16 may operate any ebike. Just another clueless clown trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.
Absolutely correct. This is not a law and it is not even out of committee yet. I don’t know what this guy’s problem is, but we don’t have a King or a dictator in New Hampshire, so I doubt that this bill will advance. The bill also requires a functioning brake light, a headlight that illuminates 200’ and no person under 16 may operate any ebike. Just another clueless clown trying to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.
A clueless clown with a probable self-serving agenda. This representative co-sponsored another bill last year to raise the boating speed limit on parts of Lake Winnipesaukee from 45 mph to 65 mph. So sure, bikes going faster than 15 mph on a NH rail trail are dangerous but boats going 65 mph? Pass me another beer.

The bill history shows the ebike bill action to be "Inexpedient to Legislate" as of February 1st, so it appears to be dying.
another bill last year to raise the boating speed limit on parts of Lake Winnipesaukee from 45 mph to 65 mph
JFC, that's insane. Does everything need to be a highway? I used to go to camp there in the mid-late 90s. I guess he doesn't care about anyone else's enjoyment of the water, not to mention the increased noise for everyone living nearby. Couldn't imagine sailing, canooing, windsurfing, etc. near 65 mph traffic. Also remember it getting crowded way back then...

Just looked up Trottier and he definitely seems like a me-first Axiom Human.