
Richard JM

New Member
Hi I'm new to this forum, I ride an Avanti Turent with a 500w Bafang motor ,she goes well and I've done most trails around my area. Until now! I went to go for a ride yesterday and realized I had changed the pass code and can't remember new number. Does anyone now how to solve this problem?
Hi and welcome,
do you know the bafang model number? If you have changed your pass code unless you can remember it you will have to replace your display.
If it is the defult number it came with from the factory then you will be able to find the code, for example the bbs02 code is 1919 or 9191 I think
Hi thanks for your reply, yes 1919 is correct but I changed that, its a bugger to be getting old ! And yes I think replacing the the display is the way to go.
Cheers Richard.
I always recommend NOT changing the default code. I get calls every week asking how to reset when forgotten. If you do change it use your street address or bankcard pin. I 5 years of BBSxx support I've not heard of someone getting a bike stolen by someone who new the default. Of course YMMV!
Thank you I appreciate your input , I was all set to buy a new display ,finger on the button in fact !
I thought I would give it one more go and behold, third number in and bingo i
Was in. I new the number had to be a combination of 9.0. And 1, anyway now I have no
Number, just waiting for the rain to stop so I can go for a ride .