New to electric


Hi all.Treated myself to a cheapy Samebike last xmas and so pleased with it.At my age 72,it gets me out and in the fresh air.So much so I'm thinking of converting my old Apollo jalapeno but don't want the cost of a second battery.Ok,it's easy enough to get the conversion kits at approx.£150 but trying to get a connection from my 5 pin silverfish battery to a conversion is becoming a crusade.Any help would be appreciated.I remain positive though.
Hello epetgreen, sorry I can’t help you out but I want to welcome you and I’m sure one of our friendly members can. Good luck and enjoy your rides.
Thank you so much.I am here in the UK in the midlands and it's good to connect with likeminded chums throughout the world.I am looking forward to many more stories of our common interest.
Hello,Yes,you have it absolutely right.So,I have to have a discharge connector from my 5 pin silverfish battery to connect to the controller.The controller end is no problem but trying to get from the battery with a discharge connector is a problem.Most companies only have the 4 port connectors which is frustrating.I can then use the one battery for either bike as I can only ride one bike at a time obviously and the saving cost of another battery is the determining factor of doing the job or not.
Hey,thanks for your interest and have a good day.
Hi,The samebike is the 20lxd30 with the integrated battery which is the 48v 10.4ah and the larger of the two batteries in your photo.So it will be a matter of transferring it to a rear rack on the mountain bike when I switch over.The Samebike is amazing for the cost of it.Very powerful and robust.Very well made and as we all know most originate in asia.Even the famous british brands are made of steel from Taiwan.
I've just seen the discharge connector in the battery photo's which you kindly sent me but they only sell the whole battery and not the part independently
Thanks for your help.I am sending off messages to different companies but no luck as yet.Will keep you updated.Cheers.
You could get a rear rack and mount the battery in a box on the rear rack. Someone with a lectric XP did this...built a box to fit a spare battery so he could run off the spare when he uses off the main one. To my knowledge Samebike and Lectric use the same exact battery specs for size fit.

Check it out.

You could get a rear rack and mount the battery in a box on the rear rack. Someone with a lectric XP did this...built a box to fit a spare battery so he could run off the spare when he uses off the main one. To my knowledge Samebike and Lectric use the same exact battery specs for size fit.

Check it out.

That's really innovative.An excellent idea which may come further down the line but first I have to get the discharge connector from the 5 port battery.
Over here in the UK i'm afraid the trade are behind the times but slowly beginning to catch up.A great video by way.
I would say hailing frame mounted battery would be better for weight distribution
With a front wheel motor then sureley with the weight being front and back then that should even things out a bit?The other problem I have is,with a 48v 10.4ah battery pack,do I go for a 500w conversion kit or a 1000w.
Ok,just an update folks.I did manage get a battery connector from china for a ten english pounds and also got a battery bag intended for a scooter and mounted it on the rear rack which counterbalances the front motor.I had a problem with trying to fit the pas ring so ordered a split 12 magnet ring to replace the 5 magnet one.Just purchased also some sugru to stick the old sensor to join it to the 12 magnet ring and I'm almost there.Tarted the bike up with some brake grips,handlebar extender for a front light and also an odometer.So I can now share my silverfish battery between my samebike 20 inch and the Apollo MTB which completes my intended goal of keeping the costs down.Just need some decent weather now to get out there and enjoy the fruits of my labour.
Took it out for a spin and the 1000w motor tried to chew up my front forks.Managed to get some steel ones off ebay and swapped them over last weekend so well pleased.Just waiting for an adapter now to connect my disc brake to the front.Oh and also some spacers as the forks were slightly longer on threads but not enough to be a problem.Good job i'm just working on it because the weather is too damn cold to be riding at the mo.Another thing is i'm going to spraypaint the forks to blend in with the canary yellow of the rest of the frame.I'm amazed at my progress but any problems and I just resort to youtube.All in all i've got a new hobby and it's good seeing your comments along the way so thanks folks.
Just words of encouragement from me buddy! 72 and building and riding ebikes! Atta boi! 👍
Thanks Terry.I got the front forks spraypainted but hit a problem with the headset so after many hours trying all combinations of putting it back together realized the threads appeared too short so for the first time have admitted defeat and taken it in to Halfords.It's not the £20 hit that bothers me but the fact of the problem beating me.The disc brakes also appear to be a no no because the adapter just won't fit.Not too bothered here as I replaced all cables and pads.Lets hope they are effective enough at higher speeds.Any parts not fitted were sauced at the best price possible so not too worried on that one.Only about a week away now from the complete conversion of my old pushbike which I estimate has cost me about £250 in total without battery as I can now use the one silverfish battery for both bikes.The other satisfying aspect of my rejunavated hobby is that it's kept me occupied during the pandemic and given me many satisfying hours of enjoyment and achievement. Can't wait now to put it to the test. Thanks for listening if there's anyone out there.
Thanks Terry.I got the front forks spraypainted but hit a problem with the headset so after many hours trying all combinations of putting it back together realized the threads appeared too short so for the first time have admitted defeat and taken it in to Halfords.It's not the £20 hit that bothers me but the fact of the problem beating me.The disc brakes also appear to be a no no because the adapter just won't fit.Not too bothered here as I replaced all cables and pads.Lets hope they are effective enough at higher speeds.Any parts not fitted were sauced at the best price possible so not too worried on that one.Only about a week away now from the complete conversion of my old pushbike which I estimate has cost me about £250 in total without battery as I can now use the one silverfish battery for both bikes.The other satisfying aspect of my rejunavated hobby is that it's kept me occupied during the pandemic and given me many satisfying hours of enjoyment and achievement. Can't wait now to put it to the test. Thanks for listening if there's anyone out there.

Sounds like a challenging yet fun project.
Looking forward to a photo.
Ha, we can’t know everything my friend. At least you stuck with it and never gave up. I’m sure most headsets get “pressed” together too, so it might be that making it seem too short. YouTube is your friend with these kinda things, lol
You’ll be knocking out the miles real soon. Just “blag” it when anyone asks and tell them you did all the work yourself. Lol