New old guy here


New Member
Just ordered a Rip Current S last week. Still waiting for a shipping date. Just wanted to say Hi and gain some knowledge on these bikes. I had knee replacement surgery in January and was all done with therapy and getting along really great. Unfortunately I had a fall and ripped my quad tendons completely. I had surgery in March and I’m pretty well back on target. I’m getting ready to start therapy again. I want to use the eBikes to get my strength back. I just turned 70, so things don’t repair themselves anymore without some effort on my part. At any point, I’m glad I found the forum and look forward to learning from people here.

Amargosa Valley, NV

Welcome to the best forum Alan, congratulations on your new ride, i hope you enjoy your stay here and find these pages informative.
Once you get riding take lots of pictures and share them here.

this is my bundle of joy


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