New member


New Member
Hi Everyone, my name is Gareth and I am retired and living in Beautiful Turkey!
I recently bought a Bianchi Aria E Road, so expect some newbie questions from me. The bike is fabulous to ride, but I am still balancing my effort with the electric assist settings.
Stay safe in these worrying times.

Welcome to the site.
Hope your drivers are polite to bike riders.
Thank you, the drivers here are a bit chaotic but they don't hate cyclist's like they do in my home country of the UK.
It's more about looking out for the differences in their driving habits and being prepared for them!
Apparently some folks here in the US don´t care for cyclists either. Some imbecile in Arizona
just deliberately plowed into 8 cyclists seriously injuring 6 & took off. Cops had to shoot him to take
him into custody. What was his motivation? People here are just going nuts. Another looney 3 blocks
from my home just blew his hand off making a pipe bomb. Scares me some wondering who he planned
to use it on? I live in a quiet semi-rural community.
There is no accounting for arseholes, they get everywhere. Just have to be careful and hope they don't get us 🤬