New from Olympic Peninsula

I have been an avid viewer of EBR and have been lusting for an electric fat bike for a couple years. I had narrowed my choice to the Rad Rover or the Voltbike Yukon. As the timing paid off, a deal on the new Yukon 750 Limited with the fenders and rack for a great price. All I had to do was get the pry-bar to open my wallet.
I am not and easy rider at 245lbs althoughm in my old age I am not a large agressive rider and longer, just a 60 year old use-to-be with bad knees. I ordered my Yukon yesterday and I can't sleep. I am watching youtube videos of others riding and realize that our summer here is at a closure.
If you have ever been to the Olympic Peninsula, you will understand that there are so many places to ride (if you have a bike) and now that I am retired, I may just take an extension cord and my Yukon and never come home. I will be back with an opinion of the Yukon when it gets here.
Great job Court on your reviews. They have been very helpful.
FYI: I ran into a person last night who had never heard of electric bikes?
...I ran into a person last night who had never heard of electric bikes?

Welcome! The other day I'm out riding my regular bike. And I usually ride in cargo pants (no spandex for me). A road biker with full gear comes along side. We ride along chatting. I mention I'm ebike shopping in order to commute to work. He says 'what's an ebike'? I explained. He seemed not enthused. Maybe he was messing with me. Just anti-ebike? I think he had a sense of humor. Who knows.
Im from Victoria BC canada so im a hop skip and jump away,its awesome this area to ride in..its very exciting getting your bike and fenders are a must living in the pacific northwest!