New App Update: Almost here


New Member
Well in Germany... Maybe
It will be here in Canada just in time for our Winter hibernation. Which means they'll hopefully have the bugs out by Spring.
Tried the current app with my new fastroad ex pro; to be told visit retailer, update required. I’m hoping this is just the hopeless current app (tried reload, reboot a few times, I know others previously had issues with iOS ).

I'm in no rush to visit the retailer after 5 days ownership so will wait patiently to see if the new app resolves my issue.
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It's too bad that the Giant firmware can't be downgraded because I would go back to version RideControl 1.4.2 and be happy. I wouldn't be surprised to see any new Giant App fully function only with the latest versions of the RideControl EGO/EVO sending units (2021). Doesn't EGO have slightly different specs to the discontinued RideControl One? I think it's more than improved water resistance.
I wonder if the new app will get me any further than this with my new ebike..

and on returning to the main menu..

I've installed the current app 4 times now, taken the battery out of the bike twice, changed settings in my phone but all with same result. When i search for bluetooth devices from my phone it doesn't 'see' the bike, yet the RideControl app finds it when pairing. 1 week old, only ridden on the pre purchase test ride - completely spoilt the initial ownership experience.
The "RideControl App" is free and will soon be available for download from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
I wonder what "soon" really means :D I see our Forum gets updates more frequently than we Giant e-bike owners...

1 week old, only ridden on the pre purchase test ride - completely spoilt the initial ownership experience.
"completely" seems to be an exaggeration. I used to ride a Vado 5.0 equipped with the older BLOKS display (no connectivity, hanging the motor) for 7 months and that didn't spoil my riding pleasure. Giant e-bikes can be ridden without smartphone connectivity; and they break very rarely. Once the RC 2.0 is ready ("soon"), we all will forget the current bad experience with the RC.

Cheer up! Ride on!
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As the new 2021 eBikes come to market people are browsing eBike forums looking for recommendations. Here's my recommendation to others looking at Giant eBikes. If you feel functioning software is an important component in eBikes then go elsewhere, check out other brands!. Giant simply not a likely candidate for you because their software is immature with minimal functionality. If that should change I will update this post but currently i say AVOID GIANT eBikes.
I haven't seen much in reliability comparisons between SynDrive (Yamaha) motors compared to Bosch Performance Line, Brose Drive S, Shimano EP8 or TQ . It would fascinating to view real data to back up an assertion that SyncDrive is unbreakable or more reliable than others.
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I wonder what "soon" really means :D I see our Forum gets updates more frequently than we Giant e-bike owners...

"completely" seems to be an exaggeration. I used to ride a Vado 5.0 equipped with the older BLOKS display (no connectivity, hanging the motor) for 7 months and that didn't spoil my riding pleasure. Giant e-bikes can be ridden without smartphone connectivity; and they break very rarely. Once the RC 2.0 is ready ("soon"), we all will forget the current bad experience with the RC.

Cheer up! Ride on!
Yes in the overall scheme of things a non functioning app is hardly major, but given it’s a big selling point in giants marketing it should work out of the box, in fact in hindsight I shouldn’t have left the dealer until I had it hooked up. As it stands ive now spent 5+ hours trying to get it to work, downloading the app several times, updating iOS to 14.0.1 and looking at tens of forums and videos in case it’s just me being a dork. I’m still non the wiser whether the issue is the app, my iOS Xr phone /iPad or the bike itself. We’re a family of iPhone users so no other options there.

I could pop it into my lbs given they are a giant dealer, but as I went there looking at bikes three weeks ago, and then bought it from the giant retail shop an hours drive away I feel a bit awkward doing that.