Wanted to do a follow-up on my thread. I went ahead and purchased this bike and it arrived on Monday the 21st. I spent a few days putting it together and going over everything. I had to adjust the rear derailleur, as it wasn't cleanly dropping onto each sprocket. I also found the front brake rotor was slightly bent and was able to straighten that. I think it was possibly damaged in shipping but wasn't hard to correct. Thanks YouTube for lots of great information on fixing these issues. Had an issue today that gave me a scare, since I purchased this from a dealer far from me. My first couple of rides were short but brought a smile to my face when flying up hill with the "e" assist. Today I went for a longer ride on the paved paths that are all over my town. I intentionally included some hilly areas and a little off road. It sure seemed like I was working hard compared to my first couple of rides. I figured I was just getting used to the assist. The ride back to my home was mostly uphill and was really kicking my butt, so I experimented changing assist levels and even turning the unit off completely. Guess what? It made no difference! The motor wasn't working at all today. It was all me. The display was working fine, but the battery level hadn't dropped at all. My first 2 shorter rides dropped it one bar and this ride was longer then those two rides put together. I had removed the battery before my recent ride due to hot weather and not wanting it sitting in my hot garage while I was away for a few days. So, I decided to remove it and re-install it to see if that made any difference. I noticed upon re-installing it that the led's did a sequence of lights and then showed 4-bars of power before going out. I hadn't noticed it doing that on the earlier install. I powered up the handlebar display button and took a quick ride. ZOOM! All was right again. Have any of you ever experienced this? I will be watching this in the future. The bike is a beauty and my first non-department store bike. Looking forward to more rides.